Is this only for Romani poets in Hungary or is it International?
Yes, that is a good question! It would be great if poets elsewhere could demonstrate their solidarity and express their feelings in poetry as well!
It happened in Hungary, I believe it was national and in a small scale, but a great attitude it was.
You can see the pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/rfgy49/media_set?set=a.650072455040974.107...
All the world artists should present solidarity to the Roma in Hungary!!!
An international event would be great, if there are people with the will and means to do that! Would require organization!!!
Dear Elisa,
In June (see the blog) the International Roma Festival "Roma-ember Against Racism" will take place in Zürich, Switzerland. There will be bands from many different countries in the two days benefit-concert for the Bódvalenke Fresco Village in Hungary.
It will be a huge event and hopefully it will be the start of a revolt against racism inside and outside Europe. Art is important in the Festival. Music in the first place, but certainly also painting (the frescoes are all made by Roma).
In the political Forum are at least one song-writer and a poet. I still don't know whether there will be a documentary made, which would give the event some wings to "travel" all over the earth and inspire others.
Your suggestions are welcome!
That's great news, Els, my suggestion is it would be nice if they broadcast via youtube live streaming, I've recently watched a festival so broadcasted and you can really feel the emotion in the air!
Started by Kristina Burbank Feb 3, 2015. 0 Replies 1 Like
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Right this Rrom is a collaborative graphic column that builds tolerance for human life, liberty, and happiness by Friday Features ( the art/story of one human being for a month of Fridays ). (: good, fun news :)I have been slowly getting this…Continue
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Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of
Started by Elisa Sayeg. Last reply by Stoimen Apr 18, 2014. 1 Reply 1 Like
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