

ANTI-DEFAMATION (formerly IRADL, International Romani Anti Defamation League) respectfully advocates human rights for Roma across the globe by identifying abuses and redirecting offenders with relevant Khetanes resources.

Proposed projects:

a. Collaborates with all MAJOR GROUPS to maintain current menu of Khetanes resources to present as needed to members, the public, even offenders;

b. Gathers and shares with members best practices and research for conflict resolution and non-violent communication;

c. Identifies current human rights abuses (e.g. MBFGW, American Gypsies, column Zsolt Bayer) and applies non-violent communication to confront the offenders.

COORDINATORS: Ciuin Ferrin, Valery Novoselsky, Tina Carr, Annemarie Schoene, Els de Groen, Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi

Members: 50
Latest Activity: Jun 17, 2016

Discussion Forum

United Methodist Women Church Study

Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply

Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue

DOSTA! 8 April International Romani Day

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies

CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue

Pre-launch of – mapping online platform challenging stereotypes and prejudices Roma people face in today´s Europe

Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply

ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue

French Socialist Party presidential candidate calls for internment camps for the Roma

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies

In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue

Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism

Comment Wall

Comment by Mr. Valery Novoselsky on March 6, 2011 at 15:11

Dear colleagues,


I think that Jewish ADL had already set an example for us to follow.

Let`s simply take a good look and then elaborate in a Roma format the statements on


Valery Novoselsky.

Comment by Ciuin Ferrin on March 8, 2011 at 17:44

Dear all,


One thing I've noticed is that the people in the US are blissfully unaware of what is going on in Europe. When I speak about events there, people here are shocked and usually disgusted. Most want to do something, but they have no idea what they can do about something happening in Europe.


I am wondering about a press release to the major media here in the states. This release would explain who the IRADL is and our misson, then make a statement about the goings on in Europe. If we can also come up with actions US citizens can take, such as letters to the European mayors, signing an online petition that could be sent to the EU, the mayors, and Obama, that will also help. In the petition, we could state that the statements are racist and unacceptable from a civilized nation, that education is required on both sides, and so on.


A piece of art can also be sent, but, it is my opinion that people who say such things have little value for art from artists they condemn. I offer Hitler, Goering, Himmler, and Mussolini as prime examples. Beautiful works of art were destroyed by all these men on the basis of race. How can such a low race possibly produce a decent work of art? Rather than see such works as beautiful, they had them destroyed so no one else could see the error of their ways.

Just my ideas.




Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on March 8, 2011 at 21:22

Dear Ciuin,

this is quite normal as far as I can see, that the people in the US are unaware of the things happening in Europe - you see it at the news - there are only very few news from outside USA. But your suggestion are really good and I think this would be impressiv to the people in question here in Europe.


Comment by Ciuin Ferrin on March 8, 2011 at 22:41

Unfortunately, it is normal. The press is not interested in human rights in Europe unless some country blows up another. Now they will care a little bit about human rights involving something that will sell papers, but a human rights violation against a minority that the average US citizen doesn't think really exists or doesn't live in the US means nothing to them.


The people of the US need to understand that not every Hispanic or Native American IS Hispanic or Native American. For most Rromani in the States, it is easier to pass themselves off as Native American or someone else because of the pathetic stereotypes. When I tell people I am Rromani, I have to explain what it means. I am often corrected in my definition: "Oh, you mean you like spiritual music, so you call yourself a Gypsy." or "Oh, you mean you are into spiritualism (paganism/witchcraft/fortune telling) so you call yourself a Gypsy." One of my favorites was a doctor who, when I told her I was Rromani, informed me that she was as well. "Oh? Where is your family from?" "Oh no," she said. "I mean that if I could spend the day running through a field playing a tamborine, I would love that. I like hippies, so that makes me a Gypsy." This came from an educated woman. When I explained the true defininition of a Gypsy, she smiled and shook her head. "Anyone can be a Gypsy if they love nature."


I was introduced to a woman who had requested to meet me after learning I was Rromani. She had a lot of questions to ask about the "Gypsy ways."  She kept referring to me as a Gypsy and when I informed her that I preferered the word Rromani to the racial slur of "Gypsy" as she was using it, she smiled at me and shook her head. "I could never call you a Rromani. Gypsy is such a beautiful word. It means wagons rolling down the road, flowers in spring, peace and joy, and music every night. When I told her the real meaning of the word, I was informed that the word really DIDN'T mean anything at all negative and that we, as Gypsies, should embrace such a beautiful word that embraces our true nature.


Americans are clueless as to what the word means, what the lifestyle is, or the conditions and penalties for being born Rromani. Education is critical.

Comment by Ciuin Ferrin on March 8, 2011 at 23:15

I am currently working on a declaration of sorts, though right now I need to sift the emotionalism out of it. I believe it should be passionate, but not emotional. When I write something like this, I have to write out all of my frustration, anger, and, yes, sometimes arrogance out first, otherwise it becomes a monolog. I'll post it when it flows better.




Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on March 9, 2011 at 9:08


Yes, I know that there is a lack of information and also of interest to informations from Europe. But what is not understandable for me is the ignorance that you discribed - that they tell you what you are and how you are and what is better for you. Really incredible. They have an imagination and are not willing to let this being corrected by such a stupid thing like reality.

Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on March 10, 2011 at 9:16

Dear Els,

I think to involve our lawyers is a really good idea, they should know what to do and they have the tools.

x, Viola

Comment by roxana marin on March 10, 2011 at 11:00
Dear Els and friends,

This morning I would like to say two things in response to Els' letter and prior conversation with Casimire. they'll take a while, so grab you coffee, stretch your back against your chair and prepare to smile, maybe cringe/cry, smile again - and get proactive:)

I will begin with reflections on how to cope with defamation as a gypsy versus coping with it as a non-gypsy. After centuries of being kicked in the balls and being ordered to say thank you (Casimire might like the phrase, apologies to the more sensitive ears), us gypsies understand that winning rights is a very slow affair. i believe we have learned it doesnt work with pitch, fork and fire, casimire - oh how i wish that it did. in romania it most sure did not - we had slavery for half a millenium and tens of reduced-size porrajmos since we have "gained" democracy in 1990 - and nope dudes, it dont work. just makes everything worse. those of us who've learned the speak, write and act of the gadjo so that we can better survive and help our people, know that it is when we boil most fiercely with fury and indignation that we should control ourselves. otherwise, we'll just be called "gypsies" and refused dialogue. and in the meantime other gypsies would be stuck in jail, or in the hospital lobby and denied intervention. or we'll be put in jail ourselves and god/f*@% knows who/when's gonna get us out. not an option. with time, you get better at the game. it's a game of alertness and resistance. you're always watching and listening, figuring out how that may better help you. modern times are not all that different from primitive times after all. non-gypsies who embrace the gypsy cause are often much more hurt and shocked than us when attacks occur. it's because they are not used to be kicked in the balls and then say thank you and look like they mean it. and because it's from fellow-non-gypsies that the attacks are coming, so that makes one feel bad.
BUT els, you dont belong with those pricks. you belong with us. remember that.
we'll help and support you and make you smile and give ideas when you're hurt. you are not alone, just like we are not alone anymore thanks to people like you. and you'll see you get better at smiling at the ham-heads you'd rather kick in the balls. and you'll also learn varied ways of kicking them while keeping your smile on and telling the reporters you're only defending the rights of absolutely everybody. which is exactly what you will be doing. but you'll feel so separated from the pig that it wont feel so heavy anymore - trust me, i know:)

and now to the second thing i want to say today. it results from the first actually and it is a list of concrete actions that you may wish to consider doing, if you want defamation to stop. (and stop it will, but maybe just maybe not exactly during your lifetime. or, who knows?... hehehe chuckle, chuckle)

- this may appear huge, but it's really not that time consuming if you take a specific segment of the media (say weeklies) and you get a couple of friends to help with another segment (2 tv channels they always watch, or maybe a daily they are subscribed to) - just ask around your friends what media they consume daily, and use them as watchdogs. watchdogs for what? well, id say not just gypsy-related defamation, but anything that is meant derogatorily at an entire social category. i have recently done that with a romanian national radio show. i taxed the lady for making women appear programmed to be sluts or stuff like that. i copy other friends and colleagues on the human rights scene every time i have an exchange like that. they in their turn have a reaction and thus the "enemy" is bombarded from several directions at the same time. i dont know if im doing a good job explaining my technique, but ill be happy to talk to whoever wants to give this an actually go. there are also organizations that do this. this kind of thing is an important source for lawyers who take a matter to the attention of public authorities.

observe your town hall meetings agenda. if you ever see anything on that agenda that brings the word equality to your mind, do your best to go. or ask someone else to go for you. go dressed formally (casimire hehehe) as a sign of respect for them, but carry a small banner saying something ball-grabbing, that will be sure to make it on the front page of whatever newspaper has sent their reporter to the meeting. make sure to have at least one intervention, and make sure you are in the minutes.

you know there is a tendency to speak about gypsies in very general or abstract/philosophical terms. there arent very many real people stories out there. you know what i mean, the kind of thing you read about people who are noted for doing something (as opposed to doing something "because" they are gypsies). collect stories of gypsies, wherever you find them. be that surreptitious reporter, and put a small treasure together. it will be your treasure, in the first place, and maybe one day - just maybe eh i cant help dreaming - we'll put together a petit larrouse of gypsy stories. at least 15 volumes pwease?:) anyway, moving on from my idealistic dream, the true use of that is twofold: for once, it will serve as your personal battery. everytime you're down, you'll look at them and you'll be charged again. try it, you'll see:) they'll put the role you have assumed in fresh perspective. sometimes we get so tired, right? the second one is that you may contribute these stories to educating public perceptions and behaviours. one has to maintain a positive outlook, even one that looks like swiss cheese (you know that cheese with big holes...hehe)

some of you may be pleased to learn that i gotta start working now, so i have to stop this interminable letter here. sorry it's sooo long, i just kinda go in places such as this one - cause i dont feel a need to "control myself" hehehe, i guess that means we're friends:)

casimire, a special recommendation for you, who - like me - has considered going neanderthal. marting page is a young frenchman who wrote a delicious novel "i have decided to become stupid." i love that book, tho it be of bitter-sweet humor.

wishing all a glorious day, and a big hug to els:)
Comment by Mr. Valery Novoselsky on March 10, 2011 at 12:07

I think it would be good for IRADL to respond on hate manifestations not exactly as ERRC does, but in a more artistic way. For example, ERRC and Amnesty International urged Czech Authorities to Protect the Romani Community in Nový Bydžov in a form of official protest letters. But Artists Initiative can respond in a form of art campaign (cartoons and installations together with our protest letter).

Also, the members of Initative can galvanize the other people of art in support of IRADL`s campaigns.

Comment by roxana marin on March 10, 2011 at 22:57
i now it's not the kind of things one says on sites like this but: i have so much love for you right now:)

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Discussion Forum

United Methodist Women Church Study

Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply

Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue

DOSTA! 8 April International Romani Day

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies

CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue

Pre-launch of – mapping online platform challenging stereotypes and prejudices Roma people face in today´s Europe

Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply

ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue

French Socialist Party presidential candidate calls for internment camps for the Roma

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies

In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue

Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism

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