My original comment was the culmination of three urges: 1) run in, guns a-blazing to defend my friend. 2) come in like the emotional Rrom I am and thank him for doing justice to our people and the family members I lost (I have already done that elsewhere), 3) come in as a comic/ graphic novel fan and tell exactly why his work is important. Since #s 1 and 2 were not pertinent to this discussion, I went with #3.
I am going to comment again, kind of combining some of these. My first comment was off the cuff, this one is more thought out. I will not rehash what I said in the first, well, not very much.
For those who see Wolf's art as somehow "pro Nazi," look at how he depicts his subjects. The Nazis are always, to some degree, demonic. Hitler, in the comic he posted, is not demonic, but notice that he is surrounded by demonic Nazis. The victims are all drawn very accurately based on archival photorgraphs.
I did not point out something that draws a large portion of comic fans.
A huge chunk of them are going to be drawn to this art because of, simply, demons. They are going to say "oh, cool demons, I'm going to buy this" and, with the way Wolf writes (he has translated some of the pages to English so I have seen it), keep reading for the art and the story.
Sooner or later they are going to google the names Wolf provides for the victims and they are going to find these archival photographs with descriptions of them. They will then realize that Wolf told their stories accurately in his comic.
Yes, some wacked out neo Nazi types might get a thrill from being told they are evil and demonic.
However, most people are going to have a lightbulb moment when they realize that Wolf is telling a story more horrific than any story recorded in any comic book before... and it is all true.
As I said, he is going to reach farther than, well, anyone else I know because he is going to hit the massive comic/ graphic novel crowd, a group that no scholarly treatise or any other kind of art is going to reach.
Comic art is a lot more than Archie or Marmaduke, a lot more than Marvel or DC. I am a fan of underground comics, the edgier mainstream comics, and graphic novels. A lot of comics are used to make a point, to get people thinking. The stuff I read is not made to make people feel all comfortable and happy... and I, and so many, MANY like me, seek this sort out.
There is also the group of comic/ graphic novel fans who buy based on the quality of the art. Wolf is high enough up there that he is going to hit this group... and, thus, get his message out.
He could easily turn this into a graphic novel or keep it as a comic. Both have their good points.
With all due respect, I am so far from perfect, aren't we all still learning to be better to each other?
That being said, in response the threads of discussion that did not follow our group guidelines here is a friendly reminder….to help ground and secure our group activities and discussions, we agree to follow these guidelines that are aligned with Khetanes' missions of truth and non violence:
Respect...respect friendly requests and your peers
Equity of Voice...share your story and art then ask others about theirs
Confidence...trust that we are all together here to find kind paths
Be gentle with yourselves and each other.
Take your good time and remember we are on the same team.
When you feel like reacting with fire, wait 24-72 hours, then try responding in kind to your peer.
Let's face it, we all are recovering from abuses and sometimes crap triggers emotional reactions.
So, it makes sense that gathering together to work in small groups is a challenge even when everyone agrees to participate. Now we have focused practice how to give each other the benefit of the doubt even when we do not agree and/or our buttons are pushed rather than lashing out.
Please know when you do mis-step here (voicing violence and/or non-truth), its par for the course as part of our work, its okay, we understand, nobody is perfect. But do try your best to rectify the situation when you can. You know your support makes all the difference!
kushti bok! Now, liberal arts for life worth living!
There is nothing deserving of an apology?
Ok, rather than start a fuss, I am outta here.
I am a writer, but I also worked for years as a critic and published many reviews. My work was appreciated because of my serious attempts to understand and to analyse.
I did not need to agree with the authors whose work I was supposed to "judge", but I needed to respect them.
Freedom is speech is very important, but it does not mean freedom to insult. It does not mean that we are free to express anything that we feel or think on the spur of the moment. We have to pause, to reflect before we react.
This pause was clearly lacking in Pit's reaction. He does not have to agree, he does not have to like, he even does not have to understand the comic by Wherewolf, but he needs to respect the artist.
That is part of civilization. After all part of justice. Of all those precious things we strive for here.
That is why I am deeply disappointed in Pit's behaviour. We are all people. We all make mistakes sometimes. We all sometimes act impulsively. And we all get opportunities to correct ourselves. Saying sorry does not mean that we fall on our knees. On the contrary, we rise if we dare to admit our mistakes.
First of all...
My heart is heavy as I write ~ in addition to those that passed away, may they rest in peace, we lost a few members from our circle here this week.
I hope they’ll be back soon, happy and healthy, feeling part of the whole.
I’m so far from perfect it is silly: I have to laugh or else I’ll cry. Add to that imperfection of being human the “primal wounds” of loss and trauma. In honesty, that is why I might check out, lash out even, violent and screaming from the pain. I also share so you know not to take my sad-mad behavior personally.
I am learning better how to ask for help as needed. Still, sometimes when the scared switch flips me, my amigula has a mean way of asking for help. For that, I apologize.
Please forgive me, for my past blunders, right now, and in the future too.
When I act mean or flee, my friends, if you can please step back, take a few breaths, then kindly check in, maybe ask me what’s wrong? I would much appreciate and even return the favor.
I will do the same for you. If it appears that I cannot, well, then, please know we are in the same faulty boat paddling up the shit stream. Then we can all scream together for dear life, maybe we’ll make a pretty song.
Last, but not least...
Please, myself included, keep up faith and patience, maybe when you cannot, don’t think so hard, alternate between rest and reach out for a few days, even a month. Already worn down, we are doing good and tricky work. We must take our rest to keep the peaceful pace.
Be happy. We just did some of the hard part in these discussion threads, like building a muscle to become stronger: flexing many/heavy, sore for days after, taking adequate time to recover while working the other parts.
While I am sad and sorry that hearts are hurting and some have left the fold, I am proud we had the where-with-all to engage, even when that meant facing old hurts, moments of stress and/or disengaging a spell.
To get from here to there, what we have been growing through is part of the natural journey in these circles. We are on track still, even though ride felt bumpy and jarring, even though some jumped for smoother grounds, even if we feel still a little lost and are looking for signs pointing the way.
That is what a new cycle in tolerant professional learning and leading communities looks like. So, even thought we might be challenged by soreness, we can find happiness in what we accomplished together by having these conversations over the past few weeks.
We had to have the first discussion. Thank you. Together, grounded in Khetanes mission of non-violence and truth, we committed to following safety guidelines, facing with open heart-eyes the sensitive realities of dialogue within our new professional learning and leading community.
You rule. Be safe, keep taking your time/space as you need. Kushti bok.
Tina B
HI Tina I am sad to hear of the news and
I would like to add this to the discussion with a poem I once wrote:
(copyright M F Brien)
When I was young I used to be
All alone and fancy free,
And as years went rolling by
I began to ask the question why,
Why we always cause such pain
All through life I've searched in vain;
Why do we with a single word
Make the sounds that make the hurt?
If I learn to be a better man
I'd know what is this higher plan,
To change my life and help all others
And join all nations like sisters and brothers.
So for life's run I'll do my best,
And maybe then I'll pass the test.
And not become like all the rest.)
Jal Devalensa
Michael F Brien (aka The Count)
Dear Mikalis,
Thank you for your poem: wise words! Growing older often means growing milder, but that is everybody's own responsibility. We cannot make the others milder. If they keep on hurting, we have to step back from them. Yet this is sad, because most of them don't mean to hurt. They are not aware they do or wrongly think that it is allowed.
Khetanes is not easy, justice is not easy. We need good people on board and we should not waste our energy on easing pain caused in the name of freedom of speech. There is enough pain in this world and freedom is not unlimited. It requires self-control and understanding.
Kind regards,
Mikalis, Thank you for sharing your good cheer, poem, and perspectives. Super sweet.
BAXT, Tina B
Michael F Brien said:
HI Tina I am sad to hear of the news and
I would like to add this to the discussion with a poem I once wrote:
(copyright M F Brien)
When I was young I used to be
All alone and fancy free,
And as years went rolling by
I began to ask the question why,
Why we always cause such pain
All through life I've searched in vain;
Why do we with a single word
Make the sounds that make the hurt?
If I learn to be a better man
I'd know what is this higher plan,
To change my life and help all others
And join all nations like sisters and brothers.
So for life's run I'll do my best,
And maybe then I'll pass the test.
And not become like all the rest.)
Jal Devalensa
Michael F Brien (aka The Count)
Thank you Tina and Els
Tina B said:
Mikalis, Thank you for sharing your good cheer, poem, and perspectives. Super sweet.
BAXT, Tina B
Michael F Brien said:HI Tina I am sad to hear of the news and
I would like to add this to the discussion with a poem I once wrote:
(copyright M F Brien)
When I was young I used to be
All alone and fancy free,
And as years went rolling by
I began to ask the question why,
Why we always cause such pain
All through life I've searched in vain;
Why do we with a single word
Make the sounds that make the hurt?
If I learn to be a better man
I'd know what is this higher plan,
To change my life and help all others
And join all nations like sisters and brothers.
So for life's run I'll do my best,
And maybe then I'll pass the test.
And not become like all the rest.)
Jal Devalensa
Michael F Brien (aka The Count)
On behalf of Khetanes, I would like to apologize, for in following the guidelines of respect, equity of voice, confidence in each other, and waiting to respond calmly, it took almost 8 weeks to work out safety infractions of this particular discussion.
In taking the time to try to work through the sadness and anger caused by these infractions, with the guidelines as an anchor, some members were hurt, others so much they decided to leave. For that I am deeply saddened, because each being in this group, her/his voice and art are so valuable to our community, bringing us together a strong whole. I miss them already but they are happy doing good work elsewhere and I understand and support those choices.
“Arts and Political Awareness” was our first discussion of substance within the Visual Arts and Painting group. This was also the first time we worked together on such a sensitive issue, O Baro Porjamos, attempting to abide by group guidelines to keep the individuals safe and make the group collaboration efficient.
As the climate around the globe is dire for many of us, and as this was our first sensitive conversation, predictably we fell down a few times, forgetting to wait until calm to respond with respect and benefit of the doubt that we are all on the same team.
Rather, fight or flight kicked in because many of us still are in danger in other ways, and the amigula fired before brain could think, causing us to forget respect, confidence, and equity.
The fact that each of us have to contend with racism and hate on almost a daily basis played a big part, priming us to protect ourselves from onslaught, pulling us back into that violent space even though we are striving to get to a place of respect, confidence, equity with each other.
Feelings were hurt as a result.
Offending posts (ones not adhering to calm wait time, respect for and confidence in each other, equity of voice) have been deleted to honor individuals, group integrity.
Now that time has passed and private conversations have been had to clear the air, it seems that we each realize in different ways that even though the offenses seemed personal, indeed they were not personal. Folk have apologized and taken time away, natural logical consequences.
Even thought the conversation was devastating at times, hopefully, the silver linings are that each person is stronger, feeling more secure, having a few new friends and ways to be safe in eliminating hate mission.
Tina B
Started by Kristina Burbank Feb 3, 2015. 0 Replies 1 Like
OPEN your HEART.......2015 CALL-FOR-RROMANI/GYPSY-3x5 ART.....EXPOSE the ARTWorld Artists' Initiative ~ Khetanes members practice peace (non…Continue
Tags: column, collaboration, Stories, graphic, histories
Started by Kristina Burbank Jan 31, 2015. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Right this Rrom is a collaborative graphic column that builds tolerance for human life, liberty, and happiness by Friday Features ( the art/story of one human being for a month of Fridays ). (: good, fun news :)I have been slowly getting this column…Continue
Started by Kristina Burbank Aug 9, 2014. 0 Replies 0 Likes
"the whole 9", a virtual and real common ground for creative people, recently made its 5th international annual Call-for-Artists, the Peace project, (http://thepeaceproject.com)the Peace project…Continue
Started by Kristina Burbank. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 26, 2014. 4 Replies 4 Likes
Thanks to Ciuin Ferrin, here’s a head’s up for a wonderful potential to represent Rroma.Currently, the University of Iowa Roma collection is heavy on anthropology and light on works of Romany and non-Romany. Khetanes member Ciuin Ferrin has been…Continue
Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of
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