Thanks to Ciuin Ferrin, here’s a head’s up for a wonderful potential to represent Rroma.
Currently, the University of Iowa Roma collection is heavy on anthropology and light on works of Romany and non-Romany. Khetanes member Ciuin Ferrin has been asked to talk to their library staff soon about expanding their Rroma collection. Not only could this strengthen the Rromani section, it could lead to a library exhibit of Romany writing and art.
To prepare, Ciuin is making a list of works that could be used in a potential gallery. So many of you have pieces that need to be on her list, so please email her here (on Khetanes site) with your list and pertinent information. ALSO, please share with family and friends.
Budget and timeline have yet to be determined. In the meantime, please share the good news, brain-storm your dream list AND send your list and well wishes to Ciuin.
Thank you for being a Khetanes member and doing your art to help stop expressions of hate.
Started by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Thanks to Ciuin Ferrin, here’s a head’s up for a wonderful potential to represent Rroma.Currently, the University of Iowa Roma collection is heavy on anthropology and light on works of Romany and non-Romany. Khetanes member Ciuin Ferrin has been…Continue
Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of
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