Below you will find parts in English and German from the Hungarian column by Zsolt Bayer, founder-member of the Hungarian ruling Fidesz Party and confident and personal friend of Prime-Minister Viktor Orbán. The column was published on 5 January 2013 in the Magyar Hirlap.


By the end of 2012 there was a scandal on a Hungarian textbook by Prof. Géza Jeszenszky, in which Roma were called mentally ill due to marriages between brothers, sisters and cousins. In January 2013 Roma are called Zigeuner that behave like animals, fuck with anybody, murder if they don't get what they want and shit everywhere. They cannot speak but produce inarticulate noises from their animal skulls. Conclusion by Mr. Zsolt Bayer: they should not exist, nowhere, this (they?) should be solved immediately, and by all means…


My questions to you are:










On this Khetanes site are hundreds of prominent members of the Roma community. They also have a responsibility. It is not only Mr. Zsolt Bayer, nor the editor of Magyar Hirlap, nor Mr. Bayer's personal friend Viktor Orbán, who is responsible. If they misbehave and no one stirs a finger, then we allow the brown soup to become a brown ocean. We will all drown. It can happen. It happened before…



Els de Groen







Ein Auszug in deutscher Sprache:


und (mit Bildern) in:


(…) Der Großteil der Zigeuner ist zum Zusammenleben nicht geeignet. Nicht geeignet, unter Menschen zu leben. Diese Zigeuner sind Tiere, und benehmen sich wie Tiere. Sie wollen sich sofort mit jedem paaren/ficken, den sie erblicken. Wenn sie auf Widerstand stoßen, morden sie. Sie entleeren sich/scheißen, wo und wann es sie überkommt. Wenn sie sich darin eingeschränkt fühlen, morden sie. Was sie sehen, wollen sie haben. Wenn sie es nicht sofort bekommen, nehmen sie es sich und morden. Diese Zigeuner sind jeglicher menschlich zu nennender Kommunikation unfähig. Aus ihren Tierschädeln brechen höchstens unartikulierte Laute hervor, und das Einzige, was sie von dieser elenden Welt verstehen, ist Gewalt.

(…) Schaut euch die Ratte, die Gergő Sávoly niedergestochen hat, und seine Kumpanen auf Facebook an. Man sieht es ihnen an, dass sie alle drei potenzielle Mörder sind. Eo ipso Mörder. Man muss sie nicht tolerieren und verstehen, man muss Vergeltung an ihnen üben. Und hier begeht der idiotische politisch korrekte Teil der westlichen Welt seine größte Sünde: Aus reinem Kalkül und Eigeninteresse tut er so, als müsse man diese Tiere unbedingt tolerieren, sogar respektieren, als stünde ihnen so etwas wie Wertschätzung und Menschenwürde zu. (…) Sie sollen nicht existieren, die Tiere. Nirgendwo. Das muss man lösen – aber sofort und mit allen Mitteln! (…)

(Zsolt Bayer, in: Magyar Hirlap, 5.1.2013)



English translation:



(…) The majority of Gypsies is not suited to living in community. Not suited to live amongst humans. These Gypsies are animals, and behave like animals. They immediately want to copulate/fuck with anybody they see. When they encounter resistance they murder. They void themselves/shit where and when it overcomes them. When they feel restrained in that, they murder. What they see, they want to have. If they don't get it immediately, they take it and murder. These Gypsies are incapable of any communication which can be called human. At best, inarticulate noises emerge from their animal skulls, and the only thing they understand in this miserable world is violence.


(…) Look at this rat who stabbed Gergó Sávoly on Facebook, and at his cronies. One sees [from their pictures/faces, implied in the sentence] that they are all three potential murderers. Eo ipso murderer. One doesn't have to tolerate and understand them, one must take vengeance upon them. And here the idiotic politically correct part of the western world commits its greatest sin: from pure calculation and self-interest it acts as if one mustn't only unconditionally tolerate these animals, even respect them, as if they were owed something like appreciation and human dignity. (…) They shall [should] not exist, these animals, nowhere. One has to solve this - immediately and by all means! (…)



Hungarian original text:



 ungarische Originaltext (the Hungarian original text):

Views: 317

Comment by Stoimen on March 7, 2013 at 13:02


                              Budapest, 5 March 2013: Five companies have said they will no longer place advertising in a Hungarian newspaper that published extreme anti-Roma statements.

                              The withdrawal follows a campaign by 24 NGOs, who contacted 15 companies that advertise with Magyar Hírlap, a right-wing Hungarian daily newspaper. The NGOs asked the companies to consider suspending their advertising activities in the newspaper until it distances itself from the racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views expressed by Zsolt Bayer, who compared Roma to ‘animals’ and called for a solution, saying “This must be dealt with – immediately, and by any means necessary”.

                              Erste Bank blacklisted Magyar Hírlap after the NGOs' letter, and expressly brought it to their media agency's attention to “act more prudently next time” when dealing with the publication of their advertisements. They also emphasised that the bank will not advertise in any media whose content “hurts the dignity of others, or uses an inflammatory tone regarding any minority, ethnicity, or religious group”. The leaders of CIB Bank said that the CIB Group will refrain from advertising in Magyar Hírlap and its portal “until the editorial staff categorically condemns Zsolt Bayer's writing and ensures that both publications are free from writings that include hate speech”. IKEA, FedEx, and GDF Suez also distanced themselves from the article, and stated they do not plan to advertise in the online version of the newspaper in the future.

                              The companies mostly place their Internet advertisements in packages through a media buyer, and some were not aware their advertising had appeared in Magyar Hírlap.

                              Other advertisers responded non-committally, or did not respond at all. The NGOs have now approached the parent companies and head offices of multinationals, including Telekom and Sodexo, asking them to take their corporate social responsibility commitments seriously.

                              The NGO campaign sends a clear signal that racist anti-Roma statements will not be tolerated by businesses, who risk alienating their customers by continuing to support media outlets that publish provocative and offensive material.

                              Published by:

                              Amnesty International Hungary
                              Artemisszió Foundation
                              Autonómia Foundation
                              Chance for Children Foundation
                              Child Chance Association (GYERE)
                              Csillagfény Starlight Foundation
                              Dignity for All Movement (coMMMunity)
                              Eger Branch of the Fund for the Poors (SZETA)
                              Eötvös Károly Institute
                              European Roma Rights Centre
                              Golden Lily Foundation
                              Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary
                              Hungarian Anti Poverty Network
                              Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
                              Hungarian Helsinki Committee
                              Hungarian LGBT Alliance (seven member organisations)
                              Hungarian Women’s Lobby
                              Krétakör Foundation
                              Labrisz Lesbian Association
                              Legal Defence Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities
                              Nógrád County Alliance of Gipsy Minority Representatives and Advocates
                              Partners Hungary Foundation
                              Polgár Foundation
                              Romaversitas Foundation
                              Social Resource Centre Budapest
                              Terne Cserehájá Association

                              For more information:

                              Sinan Gökçen
                              Media and Communications Officer
                              European Roma Rights Centre

                              © ERRC 2013. All rights reserved.

Comment by Stoimen on April 11, 2013 at 12:58

Hungarian Minister Zoltan Balog hands over top journalism prize to anti-Semitic and Roma-bashing TV broadcaster

(Brussels, 18 March 2013)

Hungary awards top journalism prize to anti-Roma broadcaster
By Nikolaj Nielsen

Brussels, 18/03/2013 - An anti-Semitic and Roma-bashing TV broadcaster in Hungary has received the country’s top journalism prize.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s right-wing government awarded Ferenc Szaniszlo the Tancsics Prize for journalism on Friday (15 March).

Szaniszlo works at the pro-government Echo TV channel.

He was fined €500 by the state media regulator in 2011 for calling Roma people "apes." He is also known for spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during his TV shows.

Hungary’s minister of resources Zoltan Balog handed over the prize.

Balog claims he was unaware of Szaniszlo’s views, as 10 other Tancsics winners from other categories returned their prizes on Monday in protest, according to British daily The Independent.

An anti-Semetic archeologist, Kornel Bakay, who says Jews organided the slave trade in the Middle Ages, also received a Tancsics gong in a separate category.

Meanwhile, Janos Petras, of the rock band Karpatia, was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit.

Karpatia has a large following among the extreme-right Jobbik party and has marched alongside the military wing of the now-banned nationalist Hungarian Guard.

The guards, who parade around in military uniforms, have held torch-bearing rallies in Roma villages.

For its part, the Budapest-based European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) says Hungary’s Roma minority endures daily attacks and discrimination.

Ostracized and living on society’s margins, the minority has faced severe persecution throughout Hungary’s recent history.

The Roma were ordered by law to leave the country in 1940 and were heavily persecuted under the German occupation.

Today, walls are spray-painted with tag lines such as "gypsies you will burn" alongside swastikas in reference to an era that still haunts Europe.

And senior figures in Orban's Fidesz party have fanned the trend. Zsolt Bayer, a Fidesz co-founder, in January told Magyar Hírlap, a right-wing Hungarian daily, that “a significant part of the Roma are unfit for coexistence. They are not fit to live among people. These Roma are animals and they behave like animals."

A number of NGOs, including the ERRC, contacted 15 companies to stop placing adverts with Magyar Hírlap.

The five who responded - Erste Bank, CIB Bank, IKEA, FedEx, and GDF Suez - said they would pull their adverts from the paper in protest.

CIB Bank added that it will refrain from advertising in Magyar Hírlap and its portal “until the editorial staff categorically condemns Zsolt Bayer's writing and ensures that both publications are free from writings that include hate speech."


Comment by Stoimen on June 6, 2013 at 14:45

JunIt may seem unbelievable, but it is true. Even more, this could be a European precedent that will have far-reaching consequences for the social standing of Roma, and even non-Roma. What is this about? Like some other European states, Slovakia has its neo-Nazi leader of skinheads and extremists, who consider themselves self-appointed protectors of human purity and morals. Slovakia has Marián Kotleba, a former boss of the fascist group Slovak Togetherness and also a leader of the far-right People's Party Our Slovakia. He even dared to run in 2009 as a regional president for Banská Bystrica.

Not only is it shocking that his party was able to take part in elections, but there's also the fact that it didn't have any difficulties spreading its anti-Roma moods. Their election leaflets read that "With your support, I can certainly eliminate unfair advantages for Gypsy parasites." The Regional Court of Banská Bystrica stood by him and stated that Kotleba's slogan did not break the law.

e 2013: Europe's soup is getting browner:

Comment by Stoimen on June 6, 2013 at 14:45

June 2013: More brown soup served!

It may seem unbelievable, but it is true. Even more, this could be a European precedent that will have far-reaching consequences for the social standing of Roma, and even non-Roma. What is this about? Like some other European states, Slovakia has its neo-Nazi leader of skinheads and extremists, who consider themselves self-appointed protectors of human purity and morals. Slovakia has Marián Kotleba, a former boss of the fascist group Slovak Togetherness and also a leader of the far-right People's Party Our Slovakia. He even dared to run in 2009 as a regional president for Banská Bystrica.

Not only is it shocking that his party was able to take part in elections, but there's also the fact that it didn't have any difficulties spreading its anti-Roma moods. Their election leaflets read that "With your support, I can certainly eliminate unfair advantages for Gypsy parasites." The Regional Court of Banská Bystrica stood by him and stated that Kotleba's slogan did not break the law.


Comment by Stoimen on July 5, 2013 at 12:34

JUNE 2013: rector Corvenus University in Budapest, Hungary, apologises during a conference for Prof. Géza Jeszenszky's textbook!

JULY 2013: European Parliament accepts Tavares Report, see Press release by EGAM below:

Press release
EGAM is very satisfied with the adoption of the Tavares report by the European Parliament
Barcelona, July 3rd, 2013,
Thanks to a pluripartisan vote, the Tavares report on Hungary, tackling the issues of democracy and rule of law, has been adopted by 370 votes in favor, 249 against and 82 abstentions.
EGAM has been very actively involved in an advocacy campaign to get this positive vote, and is thus extremely satisfied with this outcome.
This vote is a long awaited message of support to the fundamental values of the European Union and of warning to the authorities who are tempted not to respect them.
It is clearly heard all over Europe, especially in Hungary, by Human Rights defenders and the leaders of the pro-democracy and antiracist civil society.
Regarding Hungary, this is an important first step in order to settle democracy back in the country for all the individuals living there, especially the persecuted minorities.
To be effective and meaningful, this important move must be a starting point of a renewed involvement of the EU to promote its fundamental values and democracy, which must be the first priority of its policies.
In particular, this implies a shift in the EU attitude towards Greece and all the countries where democracy is at stake.
Contact :
Benjamin Abtan
President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM
@ :
Cell : +33 7 60 83 20 80

European Parliament accepts the Tavara Report, read below:

Comment by Stoimen on July 24, 2013 at 16:40


Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on July 24, 2013 at 22:42

Yes, Bourdouleix will be expelled from his party, but that is nothing more than cosmetics; what is about all the others thinking not much different? It is not strange that this happens in france, it is the spirit there at the moment!!!

Comment by Stoimen on July 24, 2013 at 23:31

What is the biggest penal act:

Denying Holocaust?


Regretting that it was not worse?

Comment by Stoimen on August 10, 2013 at 20:00




                          Français ci-dessous 

                        August 6, 2013


                    CALL FOR IMMEDIATE (RE)ACTION
                  Stop the escalation of violence against the Roma  

                    The persecution and marginalization of the Roma since their arrival on the European continent culminated over half a century ago in the extermination of an estimated 500,000 Roma by the Nazis and their allies. Europe seems to have learned little from its violent past. Over the last decade there has been a dramatic escalation of aggressions and intimidation targeting Roma throughout Europe. Here are just a few examples:

                  Starting in 2007, arson attacks on Roma camps became a frequent occurrence in several Italian towns. Despite the racist nature of the anti-Roma attacks, Italian authorities have rarely investigated and prosecuted them as hate crimes.

                  In 2007, four Roma in Bulgaria sustained injuries when skinheads attacked them.  The victims claim to have called the police for help and to have their requests for help refused.

                  In November 2008, twelve masked men attacked Roma at random in the Czech town of Havrov and seriously injured a man.

                  Between 2008 and 2010, nine Roma were killed in racially motivated attacks in Hungary. Four suspected perpetrators of some of the crimes were arrested in August 2009. When the trial started in March 2011, the State Prosecutor’s charges did not mention racial motivation.

                  In April 2009, an arson attack on a Roma house in the Czech town of Vitkov seriously injured a 3-year old child.

                  In July 2010, a mob of local residents armed with stones and Molotov cocktails attacked a Roma family in the Polish town Limanowa. Although the police questioned around 30 people, no one was ever prosecuted. 

                  In August 2011, anti-Roma mobs marched threateningly through several Czech towns in an effort to intimidate the Roma residents.

                  In October 2011, Molotov cocktails were thrown at hangars sheltering about a hundred Roma in Paris. The hangars burnt down and one inhabitant was injured.

                  In June 2012, an off-duty municipal police officer shot three Romani individuals dead and seriously injured two others in a killing spree in the Slovak town of Hurbanovo. He was sentenced to just nine years in prison, the minimal penalty under the Slovak Penal Code for this crime is 25 years.

                  In June this year, Molotov cocktails were thrown at a Roma caravan site near Lille. This incident prompted a municipality councillor from Marseille to send out a tweet suggesting “same action soon in Marseille.”

                  Also in June this year, a Roma settlement outside Kiev in the Ukraine was set on fire and all personal belongings were destroyed.

                  These and other incidents of racist aggression – sparked by repeated racist anti-Roma statements including by politicians in office - should over the last few years have served as a warning to the authorities of European countries on the way the wind was blowing. Yet effective responses to hate crimes against the Roma are lacking. Authorities often fail to prosecute offenders and tend to ignore the racial motivation of the crime.

                  An ERRC report from 2011 about violent attacks against the Roma in Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia concluded that in 27% of the cases, police investigation was suspended with no perpetrator identified. Perpetrators were found guilty in only 20% of the cases. The consequence of inadequate police investigation and prosecution is a climate of impunity that may encourage further violence against the Roma.

                  The constant animosity shown against Roma people, the repeated attacks and evictions,, and the failure of authorities to tackle hate crime and punish offenders are all clear signs that we are moving to something more sinister than ordinary molestation. Neither the commitments under the 2010 Strasbourg Declaration nor the promises under the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies have reversed the trend. Rather, the situation has become worse. Several political representatives have even gone so far as to openly support annihilation of the Roma.

                  For instance, in early June this year, Mr. Jan Dufek, one of the organisers of an anti-Roma demonstration in the Czech town of Duchcov, openly expressed satisfaction on camera that such demonstrations see an increase of popular support and added, “at least the people will finally rise up and murder them all.”

                  A few months earlier, in January, Mr. Zsolt Bayer, one of the founding members of the Hungarian Fidesz Party wrote in an conservative newspaper that “a significant part of the Roma are unfit for co-existence (…) these Roma are animals and behave like animals (…). These animals should not be allowed to exist, in no way.”

                  Not to be outdone, the mayor of Cholet, last week, shouted at a group of French Travellers that Hitler had not killed enough of them. This was followed up by a dubious poll by the magazine “Le Point” on the views of the population on this outrageous statement. Out of 2985 persons interviewed, 667 felt that the Roma are a nuisance and a danger and 491 agreed with the statement but dared not say it publicly.

                  Shall we wait until these criminal calls are followed before we take action? Shall we satisfy ourselves with deploring these calls for murder? Shall we indulge in academic discussions while the Roma hide in terror in their miserable settlements or seek refuge outside Europe which refuses them protection?

                  This is an urgent call for help – a call addressed to all European states and to all international organisations whose mission is to ensure peaceful co-existence and to safeguard human rights.

                  12 million Roma are in danger and the states they live in are accountable for their security.

                  The European Roma and Travellers Forum, the European Network Against Racism and the ERGO Network call on the Council of Europe, the OSCE/ODIHR and the European Commission to:

                  - Recognise anti-Gypsyism as a specific form of racism and reinforce existing efforts to design awareness-raising campaigns  
                     to debunk myths and prejudice about the Roma;
                  - Recognise the past abuse against the Roma. We encourage the establishment of Europe-wide truth commissions to
                    address the much ignored Roma genocide, as well as the declaration of a European remembrance day for Roma genocide 
                  - Promote a positive political discourse on the Roma;
                  - Scale up efforts to work with European states to ensure proper investigation, prosecution, penalty and monitoring of acts
                    of violence against the Roma. As the situation seems to deteriorate, we suggest convening a high-level meeting to decide
                    on a common strategy for effective measures to ensure security of Roma in Europe;
                  - Ensure compliance with the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled that authorities may dissolve an
                     association involved in anti-Roma vigilante marches exercising repeated intimidation on the Roma minority;
                  - Work towards a European framework for the collection of reliable and comparable disaggregated data on hate crime
                     against the Roma;
                  - Take the lead in ensuring that States provide emotional, financial and legal support to Roma victims of crime before,
                     during and after criminal proceedings.

                  States have the duty to uphold and protect basic human rights and to promote the standards, conventions and recommendations they have signed up for. They must act immediately and resolutely to stop the abuse and violence against the Roma.



                    IL EST TEMPS DE (RÉ)AGIR!
                  Mettez fin à l’escalade de la violence envers les Roms   

                    La persécution et la marginalisation séculaire des Roms depuis leur arrivée sur le continent européen ont abouti il y a un demi-siècle à l'extermination par les Nazis et leurs alliés de près de 500.000 d'entre eux. L’Europe semble avoir tiré peu de leçons de ce passé tragique. Depuis plus de dix ans, le nombre d’agressions et d’intimidations visant les Roms n’a cessé d’augmenter, en témoignent les quelques exemples suivants :

                  Depuis 2007, les incendies criminels contre les camps de Roms sont devenus monnaie courante dans de nombreuses villes italiennes. Malgré le caractère raciste de ces attaques anti-Roms, les autorités italiennes n’ont que rarement instruit et poursuivi les faits comme des crimes de haine.

                  En 2007, quatre Roms bulgares ont été blessés lors d’une attaque par des skinheads. Les  victimes disent avoir demandé, en vain, de l’aide à la police.

                  En novembre 2008, douze hommes cagoulés ont attaqué au hasard des membres de la communauté Rom de la ville tchèque de Havrov, blessant gravement un homme.

                  Entre 2008 et 2010, neuf Roms ont été tués dans des attaques à caractère racial en Hongrie. Quatre auteurs présumés de certains de ces crimes ont été arrêtés. Quand le procès a commencé en mars 2011, les charges du procureur général ne mentionnaient pas la motivation raciale.

                  En avril 2009, un enfant rom de trois ans a été gravement blessé dans l’incendie d'une maison Rom à Vitvok (République tchèque).

                  En juillet 2010, un groupe d’habitants armés de pierres et de cocktails Molotov a attaqué une famille rom dans la ville polonaise de Limanowa. Près de trente personnes ont été interrogées par la police mais aucune n’a été poursuivie en justice.

                  En août 2011, des villes tchèques ont vu les rassemblements anti-Roms se multiplier. Ces inquiétantes marches contre les Roms ont pour but d'intimider les habitants issus de cette communauté.

                  En octobre 2011, à Paris, des cocktails Molotov ont été jetés sur des hangars où une centaine de Roms avaient trouvé refuge, détruisant les abris et blessant une personne.

                  En juin 2012, à Hurbanovo (République slovaque), un policier à la retraite a tué par balles trois Roms et en a sérieusement blessé deux autres dans un raid meurtrier. Il n’a été condamné qu’à neuf ans de prison, lorsque la peine minimale pour ce type de crime est de vingt-cinq ans selon le code pénal slovaque.

                  En juin de cette année, des cocktails Molotov ont été jetés sur une caravane rom près de Lille. Cet incident a conduit un conseiller municipal de la cité phocéenne à poster un tweet incitant les gens à reproduire « la même action » à Marseille.

                  En juin, également, tous les effets personnels des Roms d'un camp près de Kiev en Ukraine ont été détruits dans un incendie criminel.

                  Ces actions et d'autres agressions racistes, déclenchées notamment par la multiplication des déclarations anti-roms par des hommes politiques en exercice, se sont multipliées ces dernières années devraient interpeler les autorités européennes sur le climat délétère qui règne actuellement sur le continent. Les réponses efficaces aux crimes de haine contre les Roms sont néanmoins inexistantes. Souvent, les autorités ne poursuivent pas les criminels et occultent la motivation raciale du crime.

                  Un rapport de l’ERRC (European Roma Rights Centre) datant de 2011 et portant sur les attaques dont les Roms ont fait l’objet en République tchèque, Hongrie et Slovaquie conclut que dans 27% des cas, l’enquête de la police était suspendue avant l’identification du responsable. Les auteurs sont déclarés coupables dans seulement 20% des cas. Les enquêtes policières et les poursuites inadaptées créent un sentiment d’impunité qui ne fait qu’encourager encore plus les violences à l’encontre des Roms.

                   L'animosité permanente à laquelle sont confrontés les Roms, les attaques et exclusions répétées, l’incapacité des autorités à combattre efficacement les crimes de haine et à punir les auteurs de ceux-ci, sont autant de signes avant-coureurs d'une plus sinistre situation, qui dépasse la brutalité ordinaire. Ni les engagements pris dans le cadre de la Déclaration de Strasbourg, ni l'initiative prise par l'adoption de la stratégie-cadre européenne n'ont inversé la tendance. La situation a même empiré: certains représentants politiques sont allés jusqu’à soutenir l’annihilation des Roms.

                  Par exemple, au début juin dernier, M. Jan Dufek, un des organisateurs des manifestations anti-Roms dans la ville tchèque de Duchcov a exprimé publiquement sa satisfaction de voir le soutien populaire croissant aux marches anti-Roms et a même ajouté : “ enfin, les gens se rendent finalement compte qu’il faut se soulever et tous les tuer”.

                  Quelques mois auparavant, en janvier, M. Zsolt Bayer, un des membres fondateurs du Parti hongrois Fidesz a écrit dans un journal conservateur : “ une majorité de Roms ne veut pas s'intégrer (…) ces Roms sont des animaux, ils se comportent comme des animaux (…). Ces animaux ne devraient en aucune manière avoir le droit d'exister”.

                  Pour ne pas être en reste, le maire de Cholet, la semaine dernière a déclaré à un groupe de gens du voyage qu’Hitler n'en avait peut -être pas tué assez. Cette saillie a été suivie quelques jours plus tard par une enquête d'opinion au goût douteux du Point qui invitait les internautes à se positionner sur les propos ignobles de ce maire. Sur les 2985 personnes ayant répondu au questionnaire, 667 ont répondu qu'ils pensaient que les Roms étaient nuisibles et 491 étaient d'accord avec ces propos mais n’oseraient jamais l'avouer publiquement.

                  Devrons-nous attendre que ces appels à la haine soient suivis d’actes pour réagir? Devons-nous nous contenter de déplorer ces incitations au meurtre ou nous complaire dans des discussions théoriques alors que les Roms vivent dans la terreur et la misère ou qu'ils partent chercher ailleurs la protection que l'Europe n'a pas su leur donner?

                  C’est un appel à l’aide que nous adressons à tous les états européens et les organisations internationales dont la mission est d'assurer la cohabitation pacifique et de protéger les droits humains.

                   Dix millions de Roms sont en danger. Les états dans lesquels ils vivent sont responsables de leur sécurité.

                  Le Forum européen des Roms et des Gens du Voyage, le Réseau européen contre le racisme (ENAR), le Réseau européen des organisations roms (ERGO) appellent le Conseil de l’Europe, l'OSCE/BIDDH et la Commission Européenne à:

                  - Reconnaître l’antitsiganisme comme une forme spécifique de racisme et accroître leurs efforts concernant l’organisation
                     de campagnes de sensibilisation pour déconstruire les mythes et préjugés à l’encontre des Roms ;
                  - Reconnaître les mauvais traitements dont ont souffert les Roms dans le passé. Nous encourageons la création dans toute
                     l’Europe de commissions de vérité sur le trop ignoré génocide rom, et l’instauration d’une journée européenne de
                     commémoration des victimes roms de ce crime ;
                  - Promouvoir un discours politique positif sur les Roms ;
                  - Accroître les efforts de coopération avec les états européens pour garantir des enquêtes, des poursuites et des sanctions
                    appropriées mais aussi le monitoring des actes de violence racistes à l’égard des Roms. Dans la mesure où la situation
                    semble empirer, nous suggérons que soit organisée une réunion de haut-niveau pour convenir d'une stratégie coordonnée
                    qui comprenne des mesures effectives pour assurer la sécurité des Roms en Europe ;
                  - S’assurer du respect de la jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme qui a jugé que les autorités
                     pouvaient dissoudre une association impliquée dans les manifestations paramilitaires anti-Roms ;
                  - Œuvrer à la mise en place d’un cadre européen pour la collecte de données désagrégées, fiables et comparables sur les
                     crimes de haine envers les Roms.
                  - Jouer un rôle moteur pour garantir que les états fournissent un soutien affectif, financier et légal aux victimes des crimes
                     de haine avant, pendant et après les procédures pénales.

                  Les états ont le devoir d'agir dans l'intérêt et de protéger les droits humains fondamentaux et de promouvoir les normes, conventions et recommandations qu'elles ont elles-mêmes faites valoir. Ils doivent agir immédiatement et fermement pour faire cesser les violences et les abus à l’encontre des Roms.



                    For more information please contact:  
                                Tel.: + 33 (0)3 90 21 43 31

                                Tel.: +32(0)2 22 93  570

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Comment by Stoimen on October 6, 2013 at 14:04


Letter by Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia, President Spanish Romaní Unión

French government turns Rroma into election fodder

Unfortunately, the French government is doing exactly what others have done
before it: trying to fish for votes in traditional camps which have been,
and continue to be, the domain of the extreme right; or, in less tolerant
groups that have turned their nationalist conviction into the superior
belief to which all ideologies must yield.


Telling the French that members of minorities endanger the "superior"
identity of French culture is like an alarm bell for Le Pen's supporters and
those who believe that "grandeur" depends on the separation, or expulsion,
of all those who could be a contamination risk. The French Interior
Minister, son of Spanish parents, has said that the integration of Roma in
France is extremely difficult "because their way of life is very different
to ours and it is at odds with our own culture."


Some believed that with Françoise Hollande as President things would change,
but now we can see this has not been the case. While Sarkozy rubs his hands
with glee, in the first six months of this year, the French government has
already deported more than 10,000 Roma; women, children and the elderly.
Amnesty International representatives state that this is a record figure: a
figure that was not even exceeded by the reviled Sarkozy.


But Manuel Valls is an unstoppable force. And he must be enjoying himself,
as he is already the most popular minister in France. In this day and age,
the usual racists must feel very comforted when a French  minister
associates the Roma minority with delinquency and begging. Intolerable, even
for some of his fellow ministers. The Industry Minister, Arnaud Montebourg,
considered Valls' statements to be "excessive" and that they should be
"corrected". But the Interior Minister replied to his fellow cabinet member
that "there is nothing to correct" and that his statements "only bother
those who aren't familiar with the issue." The same as what some people
writing in newspapers or speaking on the radio say in Spain.

After this, he had to look in his party's electoral file to check that some
thousands more votes had appeared, the same ones lost by Le Pen's National
Front, the true and genuine leader of racism in Europe since the end of the
Second World War.


Today, we suffer for our Romanian and Bulgarian brothers and we despair when
we see that there is no solution to what we, Romanians and Bulgarians suffer
together. We have won the battle against the politicians of Sarkozy's
conservative Right because we got everyone to turn against them, criticising
the deportations. The Church, the International Institutions, the European
Commission, the European Parliament and the world of culture joined with us
and it went no further. Then Mr Sarkozy lost the elections. It could not be
any other way when those who were voting were the heirs of the 1789
revolution, which enabled the establishment of The Rights of Man and of the
Citizen in the civilised world.


But now Françoise Hollande is disappointing us. We believed that with him,
things would change. He promised it during his election campaign,
unequivocally demonstrating bravery and consistency with the principles that
his party supposedly should defend. But he has had the misfortune to cross
paths with Manuel Valls who, following in the footsteps of Sarkozy, who was
Interior Minister before he was President of the government, surely will
want to follow the same political career and oust Holland from the Elysée
Palace to get himself the job.


Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Justice, has declared it with
absolute clarity: "There exist European rules, signed by France, for free
circulation of European citizens. And they are not gypsies, they are
individuals. Only a judicial decision can allow their evacuation, if they
have done something that goes against the laws of the State."


Sarkozy lost the elections and Hollande will lose them too if he does not
rectify this. Unless we have all gone mad and we mean to live in a savage
world where the rule of law disappears, where laws are not respected,
governed by the force of mass demonstrations and where court sentences that
are not to our liking are not fulfilled. And unfortunately, when these
things happen, when the force of the masses is imposed against the fragility
of laws, those who end up losing are always the same: the poorest, the
weakest, the least able to defend themselves.



Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia


President, Spanish Romaní Unión




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