Below you will find parts in English and German from the Hungarian column by Zsolt Bayer, founder-member of the Hungarian ruling Fidesz Party and confident and personal friend of Prime-Minister Viktor Orbán. The column was published on 5 January 2013 in the Magyar Hirlap.
By the end of 2012 there was a scandal on a Hungarian textbook by Prof. Géza Jeszenszky, in which Roma were called mentally ill due to marriages between brothers, sisters and cousins. In January 2013 Roma are called Zigeuner that behave like animals, fuck with anybody, murder if they don't get what they want and shit everywhere. They cannot speak but produce inarticulate noises from their animal skulls. Conclusion by Mr. Zsolt Bayer: they should not exist, nowhere, this (they?) should be solved immediately, and by all means…
My questions to you are:
On this Khetanes site are hundreds of prominent members of the Roma community. They also have a responsibility. It is not only Mr. Zsolt Bayer, nor the editor of Magyar Hirlap, nor Mr. Bayer's personal friend Viktor Orbán, who is responsible. If they misbehave and no one stirs a finger, then we allow the brown soup to become a brown ocean. We will all drown. It can happen. It happened before…
Els de Groen
Ein Auszug in deutscher Sprache:
und (mit Bildern) in:
(…) Der Großteil der Zigeuner ist zum Zusammenleben nicht geeignet. Nicht geeignet, unter Menschen zu leben. Diese Zigeuner sind Tiere, und benehmen sich wie Tiere. Sie wollen sich sofort mit jedem paaren/ficken, den sie erblicken. Wenn sie auf Widerstand stoßen, morden sie. Sie entleeren sich/scheißen, wo und wann es sie überkommt. Wenn sie sich darin eingeschränkt fühlen, morden sie. Was sie sehen, wollen sie haben. Wenn sie es nicht sofort bekommen, nehmen sie es sich und morden. Diese Zigeuner sind jeglicher menschlich zu nennender Kommunikation unfähig. Aus ihren Tierschädeln brechen höchstens unartikulierte Laute hervor, und das Einzige, was sie von dieser elenden Welt verstehen, ist Gewalt.
(…) Schaut euch die Ratte, die Gergő Sávoly niedergestochen hat, und seine Kumpanen auf Facebook an. Man sieht es ihnen an, dass sie alle drei potenzielle Mörder sind. Eo ipso Mörder. Man muss sie nicht tolerieren und verstehen, man muss Vergeltung an ihnen üben. Und hier begeht der idiotische politisch korrekte Teil der westlichen Welt seine größte Sünde: Aus reinem Kalkül und Eigeninteresse tut er so, als müsse man diese Tiere unbedingt tolerieren, sogar respektieren, als stünde ihnen so etwas wie Wertschätzung und Menschenwürde zu. (…) Sie sollen nicht existieren, die Tiere. Nirgendwo. Das muss man lösen – aber sofort und mit allen Mitteln! (…)
(Zsolt Bayer, in: Magyar Hirlap, 5.1.2013)
English translation:
(…) The majority of Gypsies is not suited to living in community. Not suited to live amongst humans. These Gypsies are animals, and behave like animals. They immediately want to copulate/fuck with anybody they see. When they encounter resistance they murder. They void themselves/shit where and when it overcomes them. When they feel restrained in that, they murder. What they see, they want to have. If they don't get it immediately, they take it and murder. These Gypsies are incapable of any communication which can be called human. At best, inarticulate noises emerge from their animal skulls, and the only thing they understand in this miserable world is violence.
(…) Look at this rat who stabbed Gergó Sávoly on Facebook, and at his cronies. One sees [from their pictures/faces, implied in the sentence] that they are all three potential murderers. Eo ipso murderer. One doesn't have to tolerate and understand them, one must take vengeance upon them. And here the idiotic politically correct part of the western world commits its greatest sin: from pure calculation and self-interest it acts as if one mustn't only unconditionally tolerate these animals, even respect them, as if they were owed something like appreciation and human dignity. (…) They shall [should] not exist, these animals, nowhere. One has to solve this - immediately and by all means! (…)
Hungarian original text:
ungarische Originaltext (the Hungarian original text):
See this publication from Statewatch, 14-10-2013
thousand children illegally registered (
. Swedish police have illegally registered
Romanis, in a document containing 4.029 names
from all over the country. The file is used in
police work and can be accessed by a large number of employees.
. Over one thousand of the people in the document
are minors. 52 of the names in the file belong to
two year old children. They are on the list for
one reason only: they were born into Romani families.
. It is not a record of criminal activity. Many
of the adults listed have never been convicted of
any crime. The document identifies family ties -
it is a registry based on biology.
My speech during a Masterclass at the University of Amsterdam, Conference "European Challenges", 22 and 23 November 2013:
There are people who love and people who hate Europe. I happen to be a fan. The European Union ended wars, queuing up for the customs and it gave a voice to even the smallest member-states, like Luxemburg with 500.000 residents. Yet millions of other EU citizens have no say in the matter, no Commissioner of their own and no MEPs in Brussels, for the mere reason that they are an ethnic minority, like Roma and Sinti, Europe's largest minority.
Why double standards? Is it because Luxembourgers are all white and Roma all dark? They are not. Thousand years ago, Roma left India and went to Russia, Persia, Turkey and Europe. Some intermarried with Jews and other non-Roma, or they lost their tan in Scandinavian countries. Even the Nazis noticed that racial purity is a difficult thing. They decided that 12.5 % of Roma or Jewish blood was enough to be deported.
Gadje, non-Roma, also have mixed blood. New archeological findings reveal that only 10 up to 20 % of Europeans descend from the original tribes, the others have DNA from the Middle East or Asia.
The major difference between Luxembourgers and Roma does not stem from ethnicity but from something that used to be very important in Europe: borders. Luxembourgers have them, Roma don't. The political relevance of the term "ethnic minority" is rather dubious. It means counting people in, not seldom to count them out. The reunification of Europe has deprived a whole nation from fundamental rights and this mainly happened because the 12 million Roma, present in larger numbers than Belgians, Swedes, Finns, Bulgarians, Czechs, Greeks, Danish, or Luxembourgers, did not live together in their own nation-state. The EU project is clearly in two minds. It looks like turning private gardens into a public park, where only former gardeners decide the zoning plan.
During communism everybody was forced to be communist, but in free Europe not everybody was allowed to become citizen. Václav Havel stated in 1993 that the fate of Roma would become the Litmus Test of Europe's democracy. Today, 10 years later, Roma are top scapegoats! Neo-Nazis organize marches in Czech Republic, France is expelling ten thousands of them, the Swedish police has kept a secret registry, Hungarian Roma flee from Jobbik… The situation is scary, but only few politicians dare to stick their neck out. Roma don't bring votes. They are a political issue, but no political factor. Passively or actively many administrations allow violations of rights. Thus the center swifts to the right, the right to the far-right and the far-right to the crime zone.
The failing inclusion of Roma is a tragic blunder! Available funds from Brussels vanish in corruption or remain unused, because populists don't spend money on scapegoats. It would harm their popularity and might turn poor and illiterate people into valuable members of the society. Patriots even. Populists are driven by emotions rather than by reason.
After nine years of researching in Eastern Europe, publishing books and articles, I found myself in the European Parliament, that I criticized so often that I was invited to do a better job. My team was well-equipped. The 3 assistants had a Bulgarian, Macedonian, Polish and Roma background and the four of us spoke 12 different languages. Together we had an excellent access to sources in new and candidate-member-states in Eastern Europe. We focused on corruption, abuse of funds, lack of transparency and on the fate of so-called minorities.
During the privatizations in post-communist countries, many people were reduced to poverty, others got extremely rich. And the poorest got the blame. There was a pattern. Former state officials financed far-right movements to distract people's attention from their profitable business to the misery of Roma. The scapegoating started long before the crisis, and worsened tremendously in the last 5 years. As a MEP I did my utmost to lay bare the facts. My team even went that far that in 2006, we helped opening the files of the former secret service in Bulgaria. The price we paid consisted out of hate-mail, spam, libel and a funny nickname. The leader of the EU Bulgaria Joint Parliamentary Committee, Geoffrey van Orden, was called the good cob, helping Bulgaria to join the EU. I was the bad cob.
Not only Geoffrey van Orden wanted Bulgaria to join in January 2007. Many in Brussels were in a festive mood and ready to welcome their comrades from Romania and Bulgaria. As if they made scrapped metal out of the remainders of the iron curtain. Thus the main entrance condition, social inclusion of Roma, was set aside.
Worse… the blame for their exclusion was put on the Roma themselves. I quote from Van Orden's report, October 2006: "… They (Roma) should be urged to do their utmost to adapt to the society and use the possibilities offered to them…" Quote from the final report, in November: "… social integration is a two-way process, requiring that the Roma make efforts to adapt…"
Bulgaria and Romania joined. Walking in the Parliament, it could happen that I met a colleague MEP who was a former secret agent or former party boss. Bulgarians did not like them, but in Brussels was no screening. It was even taboo to discuss someone's past in public. Other new colleagues came from far-right parties: Ataka and Romania Mare. Together with Front National and a few other parties they formed the new parliamentary group ITS, Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty. Not coming to Brussels were Roma. Among the nearly 800 MEPs, only two were of Romani descent.
Roma, however, did come! Ten thousands profited from EU-membership to escape from social exclusion in East and build a future in the West. Berlusconi sent them back, Sarkozy copy-pasted his policy and Hollande prolonged it. Roma were no fortune-hunters. Denied education and jobs and threatened by far-right, they are basically political refugees, but they come from member-states that have been approved by Brussels. Europe DOES NOT HAVE political refugees! Thus Roma crossed the Ocean and asked for asylum in Canada. So many came that Canada begun to refuse them, playing down racism in faraway Europe.
Front National, Romania Mare, Vlaams Belang, British National Party, Jobbik, FPÖ, PVV, Sweden Democrats, Danske Folkeparti, True Finns, all have in common their euroscepticism. Their national identity is their main identity, Brussels is an invader and foreigners are suspicious.
ITS collapsed, the European Alliance for Freedom came, and according to polls about next year's elections, 100 seats will be taken by far-right parties. The number of populist MEPs will be even higher. Europe is close to failing its Litmus Test.
Having finished my mandate in 2009, I offered the European Commission to work out a Roma strategy with the help of my vast network. When that offer was declined, I started World Artists Initiative "Khetanes": a global movement of 900 Romani artists and scholars, who strongly focus on Europe. It is my firm belief that democracy must fulfill two conditions: all people deserve representatives and all representatives must be qualified for their job. We don't need smooth talkers, we need brains to guide us.
Our biggest crisis is a moral one, our being in two minds. We want to build that public park, for reasons of efficiency, peace and stability, but we also want to keep our tiny little gardens. We want to move forward and to turn back, but there is no back. Internet and other modern technology have turned us into people without borders, like the Roma, indeed. Let us make the best out of it!
Els de Groen
Europe entered 2014. Any change? Roma Rights Activists are in prison (Pavel Limanskiy) or have to appear in Court (Roberto Malini).
Jobbik in Hungary is the second large political party. Elsewhere in the EU, far-right and populist parties also attract voters.
And what about Ukraine?
Read the message below that we received through Roma Virtual Network:
Stop Ethnic Violance in Slovyansk!
19 April 2014
In Slovyansk, the Eastern Ukraine, separatists began riots targeted at Roma residing in the city. The armed separatists burst into houses inhabited by Roma, beaten and robbed them regardless of gender or age, UNIAN reports. According to this report, they have beaten even women and children. Separatists said that they operate under the direct order of their "people's mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev". The armed men loaded the property of Roma families in the truck, eyewitnesses say.
While military and political conflicts the most vulnerable groups are the minorities. They often are victims of massacres and one of the first hostages of the actions made by aggressors.
During World War II, the Roma have become the second largest nation suffered from the actions of the Nazis. During World War II more than 500 000 Roma were exterminated. In Ukraine they were among the first victims of mass tragedy at Babi Yar.
In order to intimidate and destabilize the situation in Eastern Ukraine the separatists choose the most vulnerable group of people as their target. Ukrainian and international communities must respond immediately to prevent separatists' ethnic cleansing attempts in Slaviansk area.
For many years The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) support comprehensive integration of the Roma people into a social life of Ukraine strengthening at the same time cultural identity of Roma. The IRF refers to Ombudsman of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministries of Culture and Social Policy to verify the information on Roma pogroms in Slovyansk and take all the necessary steps to stop violence against Roma, as well any kind of human rights abuse based on ethnic grounds.
Yevhen Bystrytsky
Executive director of International Renaissance Foundation
Olga Zhmurko
Director of Roma of Ukraine Program Initiative of International Renaissance Foundation
400.000 Rroma live in Ukraine
We knew that it would happen sooner rather than later. Every time that the gadjé (non-Rroma) declare war, it is always the Rroma that suffer the consequences because we receive blows from both sides. That is what happened in the Balkan War and the Spanish Civil War; that is what happened under the Nazi regime and that is what is happening now in the territories experiencing ethnic or territorial conflict. I remember with particular pain how one of the former chairmen of the International Romani Union told me that one day, some villagers entered his home and put a rifle in his hands, with the categorical order that he used it to shoot any enemies of the homeland.
--Where are these enemies? I do not know; I don’t know who they are, nor where they live.
This is the greatest tragedy of the civil wars, because although a citizen does not consider himself to be anyone’s enemy, it is highly possible that his own neighbour would report him and he ends up being shot dead… How is that possible? And as my friend did not want to kill anyone, and knew that his and his family’s lives were in danger, he fled his homeland and came to find me at the European Parliament, where I found a way to help him go to Germany as a refugee.
Two days ago, well-known European organisations such as the European Roma Rights Centre, the International Charitable Organisation ‘Chiricli’ and the International Renaissance Foundation made a declaration, urging the governments of all Ukrainian factions, as well as international organisations, to adopt the necessary measures to preserve and protect the rights of the Romani minority and assure their safety, independent of the country’s political situation.
These organisations referred to what have, in recent weeks, brought about anti-Rroma protests that have, in turn, led to a series of violent acts against the Romani people, which could exacerbate the situation in a tragic way. For example, they denounce the following:-
In Slaviansk, a Rroma came under fire and was seriously injured as he attempted to defend his house from an attack on 29 April. The man remains in a serious condition. Previously, in Slavyansk, a group of more than 20 men had attacked seven Rroma families. The men entered the houses and beat up the Rroma that lived there, including the children. They then demanded money and looted the houses for anything of value.
On 29th April in Cherkassy, as these organisations continue denouncing, the house of a Rroma family was set alight, while a group of Ukrainian gadché threatened to attack the Rroma families if they did not leave their homes immediately.
What continues to happen is a dramatic reminder of the angst suffered by the Rroma who told me about his escape during the Balkan War. The European Roma Rights Centre, International Charitable Organisation ‘Chiricli’ and International Renaissance Foundation state that on 27 February 2014, a Rroma man was attacked in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, in the Kiev region, by a group of people who levied the accusation against him that the Rroma were not participating in the country’s political affairs and that they were apolitical. Following this, a group of around 15 people attacked four Rroma families in Korsten, in the Kiev region, and declared that they were planning to attack other Romani homes.
What is happening in Ukraine is nothing new. The closest reference point is the dismembering of Yugoslavia, where more than a million Rroma lived. When the Second Balkan War broke out, it was our Rroma community that suffered the consequences most keenly. Until 1997, some 300,000 Rroma were forced to abandon their homes and flee for the Western Diaspora that was never on the radar of the European political leaders. After the territorial division of Yugoslavia, some 40,000 Rroma became refugees in Italy and 30,000 in neighbouring Austria. All of this, without forgetting Kosovo, which was a former Serbian province. Before 1999, around 150,000 Rroma lived in this territory. Now, barely 40,000 remain. And the accusation keeps coming back: the new leaders of the small country that achieved independence in 2008 accuse the Rroma of being friends or collaborators with the Serbs.
The Ukrainian Rroma are simply Ukrainian. There will be individual supporters of the Kiev regime and thus those who wish to integrate into the European Union, or those who strongly wish to join Russia, in whose bosom they feel safer and better protected. But, if there are, these are specific people; individuals who are not representative of the Ukrainian Rroma. Because, and I must repeat this once again, above all, the Ukrainian Rroma, as a collective, feel like Rroma. And then as individuals, they are Ukrainian, European and citizens of the world.
It frightens me to consider the consequences of a possible conflict between the communities, occurring when the flag of one culture is raised as a protective shield for its own culture, or as a sword of attack against others.
Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia
Lawyer and journalist
Chairman of the Spanish Romani Union
Vice-President of the International Romani Union
thank you, Els, for these informations - it is horrible!!!
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