ROMA RIGHTS justly offers resources to promote Roma integration in public health care, housing, schools, employment, politics, administration, etc. as a method to address segregation and facilitate equity.
Proposed projects:
a. Identies integration models/pilots for health care, housing, schools, employment, etc.
b. Implements integration models/pilots for health care, housing, schools, employment, etc.
Coordinators: Niko Rergo
Members: 38
Latest Activity: Apr 6, 2018
27 April 2012
Trial against Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau
(Members of Khetanes and Members of EveryOne Group, Italy)
Today, Friday, 27 April 2012, 10:30 a.m., Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau, two artists and human rights activists, will be in the Italian court of Pesaro. Both are facing possible prison sentences. Their crime?.. They opposed the human rights violations of Roma in Italy. So, not only Roma are persecuted, but also artists who defend their rights.
Both Roberto and Dario belong to the EveryOne Group, that is on our Khetanes site. All EveryOne Group members are artists. It should be stated here that they designed our logo: the butterfly, with the red Roma wheel and the words "inspiring justice". This logo is on our site and in all our publications, as a symbol of freedom and fundamental rights for all.
Today we are over 700 artists and scholars, from 48 countries in the entire world. Taking into account the orchestras, bands and theatre companies, we are 2500 at least.
Among the first ones to protest against the persecution of Roberto and Dario, is Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia, President of the Unión Romaní in Spain and Honorary Member of Khetanes. Other activists, artists and scholars followed his example.
I believe we all must protest. Gandhi stated that human rights are the bread in this world. Without bread our civilization will starve. Please, react to and/or
We demand that the charges against Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau are dropped!
Els de Groen
When justice protects racists
by Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia, Honorary Member of Khetanes
Barcelona, April 27, 2012. Many of you know of the existence of Roberto Malini. He is a tireless fighter. Roberto Malini's our friend, our brother, our ally. And within two days will be in court in Pesaro (Italy), and with him also appear Dario Picciau. Another great activist from the platform "Everyone Grup" show their faces in defense of Roma and any citizen who is a victim of racial or social discrimination.
I ask you to read the following lines. They are crieing against a brave and committed authorities to perform their duties without any regard to the most basic rights that are inherent to the dignity of every human being. Read the words of Roberto reflecting very clearly by the ordeal they are going through many of our brothers in Italy who have bequeathed to racist politicians who think the time has passed.
Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia
The message by Roberto Malini
Treviglio (BG), April 22, 2012
Dear friends, I thank you for your support. We have spent many years working for social justice and we are persecuted for defending the rights of Roma and ask the institutions and authorities to respect their rights. We want to be a symbol of all those who are expelled, accused of unfairly and punished without any guilt.
In Italy, the police commit abuses and Rroma incriminating with false charges. Such sentences are unjust and they often end up in prison without having committed any crime. The juvenile courts and social services snatch children from their mothers and give them in adoption to Italian families. Do not help poor and marginalized communities, but the brutally expelled. Many hospitals refuse to treat Roma people, and politicians defame the Roma community to gain the favor of citizens.
But we know the truth and continue to devote our lives to defend it. We promise that we do not stop.We will continue to raise our voice against the abuses against our brothers and sisters gypsies. We have received threats, police and judicial harassment, and intimidation by political groups and racists. We are not violent but have powerful weapons: truth, justice and our ideals of brotherhood. We do not stop.
The Roma population suffers actual persecution in the European Union. We can not accept this continuing violation of human rights. In Italy, the hatred against the Roma is so strong that it also affects us, the defenders of human rights.
On April 27 the great activist Dario Picciau and I must defend before a judge in the terrible Court of Pesaro. What is our crime? None. Simply provide humanitarian aid to three young gypsies in front of a policeman. However, this was not the first time, because in Pesaro politicians, judges, police and many citizens have taken actions to force us to abandon the local Roma community. In Pesaro, many Roma have suffered incredible abuse and ended up in jail without guilt. We will go to the Court with pride and wearing a shirt with the image of Gandhi and the slogan: "Human rights are the bread of the world." We stand before the unjust judges of Pesaro with courage and pride, to represent all the gypsies who are and have been persecuted.
Roberto Malini
EveryOne Group Co-Chair
- - -
Published by me, Pit, on behalf of Els.
28 April 2012
Pesaro, Italy: Trial against Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau
(Members of Khetanes and Members of EveryOne Group, Italy)
Today, Saturday, 28 April 2012, Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau, two artists and human rights activists, received the verdict. The charges were dropped! "We have been acquitted "because the offense is not".
This is a great victory for human rights and for the Roma.
Our congratulatioins go to you Roberto and Dario!
STATEMENT by ROMA Virtual Network @Romano_Liloro
Saturday 28 April
Pesaro, trial against Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau
Milan, April 28, 2012. Trial against Roberto Malini and Dario Picciau. We received the verdict. We have been acquitted "because the offense is not". This is a great victory for human rights. This is the victory of all organizations and activists who have sided with us, who have supported us, who wrote speeches and sent letters to institutions. We will soon publish an article with photographs and all the details about the event. Thanks to all our friends. A fraternal embrace. The non-violent actions continue!
Milano, 28 de Abril 2012. Juicio contra Roberto Malini y Picciau Darío. Hemos recibido el veredicto. Hemos sido absuelto "porque el delito no es". Esta es una gran victoria para los derechos humanos. Esta es la victoria de todas las organizaciones y activistas que se han aliado con nosotros, que nos han apoyado, que escribió discursos y enviaron cartas a las instituciones. En breve publicaremos un artículo con fotografías y todos los detalles del evento. Gracias a todos. Un abrazo fraternal. La lucha no-violenta continua!
Processo contro Roberto Malini e Dario Picciau. Abbiamo ricevuto il verdetto. Siamo stati assolti "perché il fatto non costituisce reato". Questa è una grande vittoria dei diritti umani. E' la vittoria di tutte le organizzazioni e gli attivisti che si sono schierati con noi, che ci hanno sostenuti, che hanno scritto interventi e inviato lettere alle istituzioni. Presto pubblicheremo un articolo con le fotografie e tutti i dettagli del caso. Grazie a tutti. Un abbraccio fraterno. La lotta non-violenta continua!
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings Aug 9, 2012. 0 Replies 1 Like
French police have been dismantling illegal Roma (Gypsy) camps after the new Socialist government promised action on public health grounds.Two camps near Lille were closed on Thursday morning,…Continue
I like the sound of menschenwürdiges Leben... and your post actually brought me to tears as I sit here, studying. We don't want sanduko of any kind.
Amen kamas slobodija thaj pakiv~
06/05/2012 – Leading activist Toma Nikolaev, editor of the one-time bilingual DeFacto, is facing extradition proceedings from the UK which if successful could result in his imprisonment in Bulgaria.
Arrested recently on a European warrant Nikoleav spent three days in custody before being released on bail. He is scheduled to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court at 9.30am on 22 May.
It is believed that his arrest may have been triggered by the Roma Nation Day protest outside the Bulgarian Embassy on 8 April. During a rememberance ceremony the same day at the Hyde Park Holocaust Memorial, members of his new Roma London BG group drew attention to the fact there have been more than 21 racially-motivated murders of Roma in their home country.
During the ten year Save Dale Farm Campaign Nikoleav and members of his family joined protest marches in Basildon against plans for the massive assault on the estate which eventually took place on l9 October 2011.
In was in October that he fled Bulgaria a second time while briefly released from prison for an appeal hearing after serving part of a sentence imposed following his public criticism over the failure of the government to fulfil obligations undertaken as part of the Roma Decade. Nikolaev has continued to lobby from London.
“Segregation in education,” says Nikolaev, “and neglect of the Romani mahalas amount to apartheid and we can’t rest until that ends.”
Disputing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s appraisal of achievements half way through the Decade, Nikolaev says in many ways Roma were better off under socialism.
Nikolaev became prominent on the Bulgarian political scene when he stood for parliament after helping form Kupate (United), an alliance of Romani organizations. Kupate contested seats in a hope to win a foothold in the Sobranie but had limited success.
Instead of benefitting from democratic freedoms, the 600,000 Roma in Bulgaria suffered after l989 from a nationalist backlash and corruption in government. Most recently they have been menaced by the strengthening of the neo-fascist Attack Party.
With his family in danger – a bomb was alledgedly placed near his home – Nikolaev sought asylum in the UK. Like many such cases, his was never fully processed and remained in limbo for several years.
During that time, Nikolaev formed an association in London and became vice-chair of the Trans-European Roma Federation, created to assist asylum seekers from Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic, before those countries joined the EU. He then returned to Bulgaria and started Defacto, becoming one of the most outspoken opponents of anti-Roma racism and a thorn in the side of the Bulgarian establishment.
Messages of support can be sent
Thanks for the link Eliz~ I will say that the petition requires email and street address.. which I do not want to give. The privacy policy state they won't use the addresses and the only people who will see are the petition author and potentially the target. This still makes me uncomfortable and maybe others here too which would be a shame for the petition. I wouldn't mind giving general location, but not my street address.
I have contacted the petition author to see if it may be possible to remove the need for a house number and street.
I let you know what they say.
Thank you, Pit! It is very important that people know that they do not have to mention their private address. This I understood from Jonny.
The form it says required with one of those little stars. How to get around that? When I try and sign it:
If this petition is meant to support Toma, it cannot be meant to create new Toma's, by forcing people to leave their private addresses. This is an issue the petition initiators should have realized before...
I don't mean to create problem, but I will not leave my address. I contact the petition creator, but they did not contact me back.
I am sorry.
There are sites where it is available, however it is not that which would be my biggest concern--it would be how to get the signatures to the places which they need to be seen. How to make sure Toma had the best representation. A petition is a great thing--but only if people don't feel endangered by signing it or don't put themselves in danger. I feel like I am causing problem by pointing this out and being so determined about it--but I will not put myself in danger again, I cannot risk it. Not for Toma, not for anyone. And I apologize for that.
Hi Pit,
Maybe this address to create new petition will help:
All the best,
Started by Kristina Burbank Feb 3, 2015. 0 Replies 1 Like
OPEN your HEART.......2015 CALL-FOR-RROMANI/GYPSY-3x5 ART.....EXPOSE the ARTWorld Artists' Initiative ~ Khetanes members practice peace (non…Continue
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings Aug 9, 2012. 0 Replies 1 Like
French police have been dismantling illegal Roma (Gypsy) camps after the new Socialist government promised action on public health grounds.Two camps near Lille were closed on Thursday morning, following similar moves in Paris and the Lyon area.About…Continue
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