"the whole 9", a virtual and real common ground for creative people, recently made its 5th international annual Call-for-Artists, the Peace project, (http://thepeaceproject.com)
the Peace project
the Peace project GUIDELINES
I heard about the call because I have been a member since 2009. You must become a member to participate in this call; membership is free, just complete a profile at TheWhole9.com. (my profile for fun and just another sample of a profile: http://www.thewhole9.com/tinari/#/0|0/)
the Peace project is an art benefit based on the notion that "through creativity and community, we can change the world".
Deadline to submit your Peace project with $10 is 8pm Pacific Standard Time 1 September 2014.
Results announced by 12 September 2014.
Additional awards range from $200 in paints to $1,000 Cash.
***You can request that the entry fee be waived****____________________
The following is an excerpt from the bottom of the Peace project GUIDELINES page (above link):
Both The Peace Project and The Whole 9 are conceived upon the philosophy of inclusion -- encouraging people from all cultures, religions, and creative walks of life, to participate, connect, share resources, and help find solutions for a better world. We will gladly waive the fee for all artists (especially artists outside of North America) that want to participate but are unable to use PayPal or pay the submission fee. Please follow the submission instructions and when you get to the payment page, log out and send an email tothepeaceproject@thewhole9.com and we will post your submission. If you would like to get involved in The Peace Project beyond submitting your art, please click here to contact us."
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OPEN your HEART.......2015 CALL-FOR-RROMANI/GYPSY-3x5 ART.....EXPOSE the ARTWorld Artists' Initiative ~ Khetanes members practice peace (non…Continue
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Right this Rrom is a collaborative graphic column that builds tolerance for human life, liberty, and happiness by Friday Features ( the art/story of one human being for a month of Fridays ). (: good, fun news :)I have been slowly getting this column…Continue
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"the whole 9", a virtual and real common ground for creative people, recently made its 5th international annual Call-for-Artists, the Peace project, (http://thepeaceproject.com)the Peace project…Continue
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Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of
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