3 Messages to School Principals
Dear principal, we would suggest that Roma folklore classes could be included in the Curriculum as an extra after school activity. We would also suggest decreasing the number of students so that they fit in a single classroom, so their number is not more than 15.
Dear Partners,
Thank you for the result that you’ve accomplished, but we hope for something better. For example, we should do more sport activities, theaters, some school clubs like music, book and other youth activities. We hope that we will continue our extraordinary co-work together.
Best wishes.
Youth is Tolerance
Dear principals, we wish you a happy new year with good health and hard work. Let’s hope that we will collaborate in excellent terms implementing the training on <Youth is Tolerance> in your school. Let’s make this school year more tolerant for all.”
5 Messages to Roma Organizations
Dear F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,
Congrats for the good work that you have done, we know that the path you have taken is not an easy one, but keep going. We are 100% behind your back.
Your Friends
We appreciate your work over the past year and we are optimistic about the upcoming year. Please continue your work in 2014. We suggest that you present your work to the public in a more effective manner.
Să renunțe la limbajul de lemn greu accesibil majorității populației căreia i se adresează. Să-și concentreze resursele asupra tinerei generații deoarece este bine știut că populația sub 30 de ani este mult mai receptivă. (Give up the wooden/artificial language that is barely accessible to a lot of the very people it addresses. Concentrate your resources on the young generation as it is well known that people under 30 are a lot more receptive.)
Dear Antigone,
We wish you health to follow our common goals, hope in what we do together and happiness from our achievements against discrimination, prejudices, stereotype and hatespeech. P.S. looking forward to sunbathing together in the summer
Dear Amalipe,
We wish you from all our heart heart a happy new year like the previous one, full of vivid campaigns, interesting seminars, fascinating fiestas and just remember: thanks to you, more and more Roma are proud to be Roma and you help them make their life more full of joy and dignity.
NB: Antigone and Amalipe are Roma organizations in Bulgaria.
4 Messages to Haters/Racists
Dragă Hater-ule, eu nu te voi judeca pe tine pentru vorbele spuse. Îți doresc ca și tu să fii discriminat pentru a înțelege ceea ce am simțit eu. Îți doresc ca în 2014 să fii mai tolerant, înțelegător, să nu judeci o carte după copertă . Într-o lume a diversității fiecare gest de discriminare reprezintă un pas înapoi.” (Dear hater, I will not judge you for your words. I only wish you to be discriminated (this coming year) so that you can understand how I felt. I wish you to be more tolerant, understanding, and not judge a book by its cover in 2014. In a world of diversity, every act of discrimination is a step backwards.)
Dear future FRIENDS, we have great NEWS for you!!! Santa is coming this year to take all your racist jokes away and give you a new heart full of love and understanding. Laundry is the only thing that should be divided by colors. Happy New Year and a new life!
Dear journalists, we wish you good health for the next year and the ability to be more objective on Roma issues. Just remember that one black sheep won’t make all the other sheep black. There is a white angel inside every single one of us.
We wish you health and good fortune and we hope that in this new year you will be able to open your minds more and understand our cause and needs better.
we dont really want to "discuss" this - we just wanted to share with you the message we are going to circulate via our channels in the first week of 2014. maybe some of our members' reflections will trigger some thoughts and initiative amongst you.
wishing you all a good 2014, enjoy every day and stay away from the sin of feeling miserable just because you are more fortunate than others.
Started by Tini Chris. Last reply by Grattan Puxon Mar 13, 2018. 6 Replies 0 Likes
My dear friend, my friends! Please do help me in Hungarian Gypsies! Racism xenophobia in our country has escalated. It is increasingly difficult for peace!Continue
Started by Grattan Puxon Feb 23, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
Grattan Puxon said…I write to let know about plans for the Jubilee World Roma Congress taking place in London next summer [1-5 August]. For the first time it will be possible for all members of our communities (over 16) to vote electronically in the…Continue
Started by fehmi açar. Last reply by Stoimen Nov 19, 2017. 1 Reply 2 Likes
I'm an amateur photographer myself I have great photos I'm pulling Romani Gypsy photosContinue
Started by Loupzen Oct 11, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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