

József Ferkovics painted secco pictured above, "Déva vára" ~ "The Castle of Deva" featured at Bódvalenke Fresco Village in Hungary.

VISUAL ARTS AND PAINTING (V.A.P.) promotes Rromani/Gypsy visual arts.

2015 V.A.P. Calls-to-Action:

a. Be friends to Bódvalenke Fresco Village. 

b. Update liberally your Khetanes-page.

c. Show Rromani arts (yours/others).

  • in galleries
  • in libraries
  • in media
    • Film
    • Newspapers
    • Magazines
    • Radio
    • Television
  • at museums
  • at schools
    • pre-school
    • K-12
    • junior college
    • trade school
    • university - post grad
  • social media
    • FB/Instagram
    • Google
    • Khetanes
    • Linked In 
    • Red Bubble
    • The Whole 9
    • Twitter 

d. Visit Khetanes-page of V.A.P.members.

e. Visit Khetanes-page of other members.

f. Invite friends to Khetanes and V.A.P.

g. Share Khetanes-website with the interested and the questioners, but for goodness sake, stay out of harm's way.

Coordinators: volunteers, step right up :)

Please, let us know how we can help you and/or others. We like to respond within 24 hours, but as you well know, at times life requires a little more space, like 3-7 days, even a few months, so please keep this in mind, especially for substantial and/or urgent projects.

FYI: to end expressions of hate AND securely ground our activities/discussions,

we agree to follow guidelines aligned with Khetanes' missions of peace, truth: 


Respect members AND friendly requests.


Share your story and art,

then ask others about theirs.


Trust we are together to share kind paths.

Don't worry,

for the times this all seems impossible,

take 3-7 days to regroup (do YOUR art), for many say that is how miracles happen.

Thanks for visiting Visual Arts n' Painting!




~faithfully forward with the arts~


Location: worldwide
Members: 41
Latest Activity: May 17, 2018

V.A.P. Profile Picture ~ Bódvalenke Secco

The secco (fresco) represented on V.A.P profile pic was painted in Bódvalenke, Hungary by József Ferkovics and is called "Déva vára" ~ "The Castle of Deva".

FAQ 1: Why support Bódvalenke Fresco Village now? 

ANSWER 1.1: The 95% Roma village, population 205, is in dire poverty, with 38 children under the age of 4 years old and 105 kids under 18. 

ANSWER 1.2: The people of the village are malnourished. 

ANSWER 1.3: Per capita income is below USD 2 a day as of March 2014.

ANSWER 1.4: Running water exists in only 7 houses.

ANSWER 1.5: The villagers are criminalized for gathering firewood but as they cannot afford to buy firewood, the only option besides collecting wood is to freeze.

ANSWER 1.6: No public institutions exist, not even a functioning mayor’s office.

ANSWER 1.7: Since 2009, the Fresco Village Project has become the only group to provide social services to the villagers.

ANSWER 1.8: Only 3 people are employed in Bódvalenke. 

ANSWER 1.9: The Fresco Village Social Cooperative that employed 12 men has just been dissolved as of March 2014 due to late result announcement by Hungarian government, causing the Cooperative to miss EU funding deadlines.

ANSWER 1.10: The Bódvalenke Fresco Village is a cultural treasure, the only settlement in world to have seccos (murals) on most houses. In fact, when funding is obtained to invite a few more artists, it will be an authentic cross section of contemporary European Roma paintings to present to the world, “to make hitherto invisible Roma art visible,” as artist and muralist, Zoran Tairovic put it.

ANSWER 1.11: Even teachers and students in Tanzania are looking to Bódvalenke Fresco Village Social Cooperative as a model to follow. (

ANSWER 1.12: “The village has become a genuine and meaningful venue of intercultural dialogue, and this dialogue has been transforming the villagers, the members of the project team, the painters working there and the visitors alike,” Eszter Pásztor reports.

FAQ 2: How has Fresco Village Social Cooperative already been successful?

ANSWER 2.1: The villagers and visitors smile, spirits lifted, upon seeing murals.

ANSWER 2.2: Sustainable, systematic activities have been implemented to support positive health/well being of each individual, community, visitors.

Rromani Culture course

Rromani Folk Art to sell: corn dolls, embroidery, wicker baskets

Waldorf School: academics, 4 computers, food, eastern martial arts, plays, poetry recitals, story telling, painting, sculpting

Tele-house with tech assistant and social worker

summer art camp

Women’s Group               

Women’s Choir 

garbage collection (by women’s group) 

Biomass project


fishing pond

Dragon Festivals

ANSWER 2.3: In 2009, only 4 out of 28 primary schoolers finished their studies. In 2013, 34 out of 35 primary schoolers passed AND school masters praised their performance relative to children from any other village in the neighborhood.

ANSWER 2.4: a 2014 Achievement needs a little more help...........

In process of being created is a village house-nursery, facilitated by Sure Beginnings (program of a Hungarian NGO) to support best growth and development of adolescent mothers and their babies. Needs $35,000 April 2014.

ANSWER 2.5: The Fresco Village hosts The Dragon Festival as a 3-day event. The fifth annual event takes place in July 2014. It has become the most significant music festival in the region, featuring Roma art, music, poetry, theatre and film.

ANSWER 2.6: Fifteen Bódvalenke Fresco Village children won scholarships to help with school.

ANSWER 2.7: The Fresco Village Project finances the dormitory fees of all secondary students.

ANSWER 2.8: An exhibition of Bódvalenke Fresco Village youth artworks was held during the autumn of 2013 for the second time in Budapest.

ANSWER 2.9: 17.5% of population (20 people) already moved into better housing with bathroom.

ANSWER 2.10: The Women’s Choir created a CD with amazing Roma artist, Zoran Tairovic, and was invited to sing to European Parliament.

ANSWER 2.11: “Fresco Village project was one of the 27 projects receiving the Honorary Award/Country Winner by Erste Foundation, out of the 1867 projects nominated for their Social Integration Prize from 12 countries, in 2011,” reports Eszter Pásztor.

ANSWER 2.12: Premiering December 2011 was a 1-hour documentary on the first three years of the project, The Legend of the Fresco Village. The film was invited to international film festivals and the Community Channel broadcast it twice in December 2012.

ANSWER 2.13: In 2013, European Commissioner László Andor welcomed International Romani Day from the Fresco Village of Bódvalenke.

ANSWER 2.14: In February 2014, the Bódvalenke Fresco Village received recognition for social innovation by winning second place internationally AND first place within Hungary for the Sozial Marie contest.

ANSWER 2.15: For June 20-21, 2014, is a benefit festival for Bódvalenke in Alte Kaserne, Zürich: International Romafestival: Roma-ember Against Racism

FAQ 3: How is the situation for Rromani so dire in for the Bódvalenke Fresco Village in Hungary?

ANSWER 3.1: Hungary has high incidence of discrimination, violence on Roma.

ANSWER 3.2: When Fresco Village Social Cooperative applies for government funding, like for small animal breeding project and the building up of tourist infrastructure, over 75% of the time funding has not been allocated. Most recently, the biomass project that would have employed 12 men in taking care of basic village services that currently do not exist lost funding due to the withholding of result announcements by Hungarian government, causing: one, the project to miss EU deadlines; and two, the Fresco Village Social Cooperative to dissolve.

ANSWER 3.3: Hungary declares 70% unemployment in their Roma population.

ANSWER 3.4: Employment near village shut down (quarry, coal mines, farming).

ANSWER 3.5: Welfare payments have been cut in half in the past two years.

ANSWER 3.6: Not enough donors and political support for Roma grassroots fund.

ANSWER 3.7: Bódvalenke Fresco Village is a 3 hour drive from Budapest.

FAQ 4: What do the children, youth, and adults of Bódvalenke need now?

ANSWER 4.1: IN ORDER FOR the operating expenses of a Bódvalenke house-nursery Sure Beginnings (program of a Hungarian NGO) to be eligible for state funding, $35,000 must be raised (on top of the $35,000 already raised) for the house-nursery to be bought, refurbished and opened in May 2014. SEE FAQ 9.

ANSWER 4.2: An investment of 150 million forint ($709,000), mostly for building a guest house and restaurant to employ every body honestly. SEE FAQ 9.

ANSWER 4.3: Support for RomaFestival 20-21 June 2014 (donations: education, food, money, arts/performing arts). SEE FAQ 9.

ANSWER 4.4: Support for Dragon Festival July 2014 (donations: education, food, money, art/performing arts). SEE FAQ 9.

ANSWER 4.5: Support of individuals worldwide, especially in Europe, the United Nations, those in governmental authority positions in the U.S.A. and Hungary.

FAQ 5: How might you help the children, youth and adults of Bódvalenke?

ANSWER 5.1: Donate money for one, Fresco Village; two, RomaFestival; and/or three, Sure Beginnings. SEE FAQ #9.

ANSWER 5.2: Become pen pals with the villagers, from children to adults.

ANSWER 5.3: Promote the Bódvalenke Fresco Village Women’s Choir CD to raise money to buy food for the village.

ANSWER 5.4: Advocate for the Bódvalenke Fresco Village project to people in positions of authority running the government of Hungary. 

ANSWER 5.5: Advocate for the Bódvalenke Fresco Village with potential donors.

ANSWER 5.6: Create AND maintain basic village infrastructure

housing with AC/HV and plumbing

guest house for visitors

restaurant for visitors

Sure Beginnings house-nursery

ANSWER 5.7: Promote and support Bódvalenke Fresco Village project website:

ANSWER 5.8: Promote and support Bódvalenke Fresco Village on Facebook: Bódvalenke Freskófalu.

ANSWER 5.9: Collaborate with Eszter Pásztor and Khetanes Visual Arts and Painting Group.

FAQ 6: Who are the participating Rroma painters of the 33 seccos (murals)?

ANSWER 6.1: Amigo (János Bogdán) ~ Sitters on Stones

ANSWER 6.2: András Balázs Balog & Jósef Ferkovics (Khetanes member) ~ Village in the Forest

ANSWER 6.3: Omar Bhatia (Khetanes member) ~ Romanistan 

ANSWER 6.4: Bódvalenke children + Students of the True Pearl Foundation ~

Fairy Tales

ANSWER 6.5: Rozi Csámpai ~ A Day in Bódvalenke

ANSWER 6.6: Bogusha Delimata ~ Milestones in a Woman’s Life

ANSWER 6.7: Jósef Ferkovics ~ (Khetanes member)

1.         Dragon (Sárkány) Festival

  1. Birds
  2. The Castle of Deva 
  3. End of September

ANSWER 6.8: János Horváth  ~ (Khetanes member)

1. Fire Heads

  1. The Stinking Witch and the Kids of Bódvalenke
  2. Escaping Angels
  3. The Sun and the Moon
  4. The Clown

ANSWER 6.9: Barbara Illés ~ India, the Scent of Sandalwood

ANSWER 6.10: Henrik Kállai ~

  1. Persecution
  2. Angels

ANSWER 6.11: András Kállai ~ St. Francis

ANSWER 6.12: Róbert Kökény (Khetanes member) ~ The Life of the Rroma, Genre Painting

ANSWER 6.13: Ferenc Kunhegyesi (Khetanes member) ~

1.The Legend of Bódvalenke

2. The Teacher

ANSWER 6.14: Katarzyna Pollock (Khetanes member) ~ Blessings from India 

ANSWER 6.15: André Raatzsch ~ Family

ANSWER 6.16: Gyöngyi Rácz-Kalányos ~ Tarot, Dance, Family

ANSWER 6.17: Zoran Tairovic (Khetanes member) ~
1. Metamorphosis of Horsepower

2. Ego, Id, Superego

3. Annunciation

4. Divine Comedy

5. Towards the Future

ANSWER 6.18: Gábor Váradi (Khetanes member) ~ 

In Memoriam the Victims of Kisléta (a visual eulogy about one of a series of attacks against Roma in Hungary in 2008-2009)

ANSWER 6.19: Students of Miskolc Otto Herman School ~ The Three-Headed Dragon’s Tale

FAQ 7: What other art, crafts, events and festivals make Bódvalenke Fresco Village a destination besides the seccos (murals)?

ANSWER 7.1: wicker basket weavers: József Rusznyák, András Horváth

ANSWER 7.2: catering (pickled food, cakes)

ANSWER 7.3: corn dolls

ANSWER 7.4: annual International Roma Day celebration

ANSWER 7.5: Dragon Festival during the first weekend of July is an annual celebration. (Roma music, dance, poetry, theater, film, children’s programs, cooking competition and lots of surprises.) 

ANSWER 7.6: embroidery

ANSWER 7.7: garden / grounds

ANSWER 7.8: fishing pond

ANSWER 7.9: Women’s Circles

ANSWER 7.10: Women’s Choir

FAQ 8: Who already supports the Fresco Village Social Cooperative?

ANSWER 8.1: Eszter Pásztor has been project leader since before 2009.

ANSWER 8.2: Dragon Festival receives some funding ~Hungarian Forint (HUF) 6.5 million / EUR 21,800~ from the following organizations:

Open Society Institute (OSI) ~ SOROS

Ertse Foundation

National Cultural Fund

ANSWER 8.3: Thanks to Christian Mehr, Skullhead Management, ZH, Roma Switzerland, 20-21 June 2014 International Romafestival will benefit the Village.

ANSWER 8.4: CIB (Commercial International Bank) Social Responsibility Foundation gives HUF 10 million/EUR 33,500 annually to finance partially: mural painting; support of secondary school children; operation of community house.

ANSWER 8.5: Apart from CNN, all major television broadcasters like:




Al Jazeera


Euronews CableTelevision


ANSWER 8.6: Mainstream and periphery newspapers, magazines like:

California Times

Los Angeles

Le Monde

Der Standard

Paris Match

The Wall Street Journal

The Washington Post (and many others)

ANSWER 8.7: Virtually every significant Hungarian media carried at least one (but usually several) reports on the Fresco Village project. 

ANSWER 8.8: There has not been a month without at least one television crew working in Bódvalenke, nor a week without at least one article published on the project.

ANSWER 8.9: Five departments from three Hungarian universities have collaborated with the Bódvalenke Fresco Village project.




Lenkeland’s Mashina –The Gastronomical Prints of Bódvalenke

ANSWER 8.10: IFUA (international consulting firm, nonprofit partner)

ANSWER 8.11: NGOs (non-governmental organizations)

Hungary’s Reformed Church Aid Foundation (President Sándor Pál)


Professor Hankiss’ movement 


SozialMarie Project

ANSWER 8.12: Over 300 volunteers

university students


summer camp

architects at Hello Wood

Angelika Biro, Roma photographer
Cicsero - Viktor Siroki, Péter Siroki and Laci Siroki

János Csonka, leads Hungarian green energy, Innova-Eco Kft

World Artists’ Initiative “Khetanes” (Visual Arts and Painting group)

and many others

FAQ 9: How send money for Bódvalenke Fresco Village Social Cooperative?

ANSWER 9.1: For Bódvalenke Fresco Village, transfer by wire money ~indicating Fresco Village on the transfer order~ to the account of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid Foundation (1146 Budapest, Hungária krt. 200, Hungary), account number: IBAN: HU67 1070 2019 8500 8898 5110 0005 SWIFT/BIC: CIBH HU HB, kept by CIB Bank, Budapest.

ANSWER 9.2: For Romafestival, transfer by wire money ~indicating ROMA-FESTIVAL ZH 2014, BENEFIZ on the transfer order~ to Migros Bank in Limmatplatz, IBAN: CH74 0840 1000 0565 6414B7 SWIFT CODE: MIGRCHZZ80A, account number: 80-533-6.

ANSWER 9.3: For Sure Beginnings house-nursery program for the village, transfer by wire money ~indicating Fresco Village on the transfer order~ to the account of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid Foundation (1146 Budapest, Hungária krt. 200, Hungary), account number: IBAN: HU67 1070 2019 8500 8898 5110 0005 SWIFT/BIC: CIBH HU HB, kept by CIB Bank Budapest.

Discussion Forum


Started by Kristina Burbank Feb 3, 2015. 0 Replies

OPEN your HEART.......2015 CALL-FOR-RROMANI/GYPSY-3x5 ART.....EXPOSE the ARTWorld Artists' Initiative ~ Khetanes members practice peace (non…Continue

Tags: column, collaboration, Stories, graphic, histories

call-for-art-story NEW COLLABORATIVE GRAPHIC COLUMN share your art-story

Started by Kristina Burbank Jan 31, 2015. 0 Replies

Right this Rrom is a collaborative graphic column that builds tolerance for human life, liberty, and happiness by Friday Features ( the art/story of one human being for a month of Fridays ). (: good, fun news :)I have been slowly getting this column…Continue

Tags: Rrom, this, Right, Inclusion, outreach


Started by Kristina Burbank Aug 9, 2014. 0 Replies

"the whole 9", a virtual and real common ground for creative people, recently made its 5th international annual Call-for-Artists, the Peace project, ( Peace project…Continue

Tags: people, creative, Decade, of, Inclusion

JULY/AUGUST 2014 Call for Visual Art and Literature

Started by Kristina Burbank. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 26, 2014. 4 Replies

Thanks to Ciuin Ferrin, here’s a head’s up for a wonderful potential to represent Rroma.Currently, the University of Iowa Roma collection is heavy on anthropology and light on works of Romany and non-Romany. Khetanes member Ciuin Ferrin has been…Continue

Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of

Comment Wall

Comment by Kristina Burbank on January 28, 2014 at 5:06

WARM WELCOME, Harold! Your webpage is great, as is the One who invited you here! Thank you for joining us and the collaboration. I look forward to learning more about your good work soon.

Comment by Omar Bhatia on January 30, 2014 at 0:24

Thanks for the congratulatory remarks! It's my greatest creation yet... :) 

Comment by Félix MONGET on January 30, 2014 at 11:37

Paintings to serve a cause :

OPRE ROMA ! Ils ont visité le monde. Ils se sont installés en tous pays de cette terre. Pour se reconnaitre et agglomérer leur peuple, un hymne : Djemen djelem…De chaque voix quelques mots qui les rassemblent : « A Rromalen, A chavalen. » (...Oh, Rroms, Oh, jeunesses Rroms)
Cette jeunesse chante qu’elle doit se lever. Zarko Jovanovic les appelle à le rejoindre dans cet espoir de liberté : « Opre Rroma isi bah akana - Ajde mançar sa lumáqe Rroma » (Debout Rroms ! Maintenant il est temps de venir avec moi, monde Rrom).

Opré ROMA! They toured the world. They settled in all countries of the earth. To recognize and agglomerate their people, a hymn Djemen Djelem ... From each voice a few words that bring them together: "A Rromalen, A chavalen. "(Oh, Roma, Oh Roma youth)
This youth sings it must rise. Zarko Jovanovic called to join in this hope of freedom: "Opre Rroma isi bah Akana - Ajde Mancar its lumáqe Rroma" (Standing Roma Now it's Time To Come With Me, Rroma World!)


Comment by Stoimen on January 30, 2014 at 16:56

Cher Félix,

Une très belle peinture. On pourrait la mettre sur la page principale de Khetanes, si vous veuillez nous donner les détails techniques et le titre. Si cela vous intéresse, je vous prie d'envoyer une copie avec détails à

Grand merci d'avance!


Comment by Kristina Burbank on February 1, 2014 at 21:00


Comment by Félix MONGET on February 2, 2014 at 11:40

Thank you Tina. Merci Els.

My brushes, my pen and I are on the "drom" again for the service of my roma brothers.

Comment by Stoimen on February 2, 2014 at 12:22

Cher Félix,

Votre "Accordéon manouche" sera publié dans quelques jours. Merci beaucoup!

Dear Félix,

Your painting "Accordéon manouche" will be published in a few days. Many thanks!


Comment by Kristina Burbank on February 12, 2014 at 18:15

WARM WELCOME, ARISZTID! I am looking forward to seeing more of your works and collaborating. Thank you for joining!

Comment by Michael F Brien on February 14, 2014 at 11:53

Bodvalenke Village is the most beautiful place - Rose

Comment by Kristina Burbank on April 8, 2014 at 21:56

BAXTALO International Rroma Day!!! Thinking happy of you all. BEST!

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Discussion Forum


Started by Kristina Burbank Feb 3, 2015. 0 Replies

OPEN your HEART.......2015 CALL-FOR-RROMANI/GYPSY-3x5 ART.....EXPOSE the ARTWorld Artists' Initiative ~ Khetanes members practice peace (non…Continue

Tags: column, collaboration, Stories, graphic, histories

call-for-art-story NEW COLLABORATIVE GRAPHIC COLUMN share your art-story

Started by Kristina Burbank Jan 31, 2015. 0 Replies

Right this Rrom is a collaborative graphic column that builds tolerance for human life, liberty, and happiness by Friday Features ( the art/story of one human being for a month of Fridays ). (: good, fun news :)I have been slowly getting this column…Continue

Tags: Rrom, this, Right, Inclusion, outreach


Started by Kristina Burbank Aug 9, 2014. 0 Replies

"the whole 9", a virtual and real common ground for creative people, recently made its 5th international annual Call-for-Artists, the Peace project, ( Peace project…Continue

Tags: people, creative, Decade, of, Inclusion

JULY/AUGUST 2014 Call for Visual Art and Literature

Started by Kristina Burbank. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 26, 2014. 4 Replies

Thanks to Ciuin Ferrin, here’s a head’s up for a wonderful potential to represent Rroma.Currently, the University of Iowa Roma collection is heavy on anthropology and light on works of Romany and non-Romany. Khetanes member Ciuin Ferrin has been…Continue

Tags: art, literature, visual, Romany, of

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