Zoran Tairovic has not received any gifts yet
Posted on May 15, 2012 at 0:49 0 Comments 1 Like
Zoran Tairović, Romski triptih, Velika galerija DK “Studentski grad“, 8-28. april
Intermedijalni umetnik mr Zoran Tairović, akademski slikar iz Novog Sada, predstavio se beogradskoj publici izložbom “Romski triptih“, u Velikoj galeriji “Doma kulture“ Studentski grad u Novom Beogradu, aprila tekuće godine. Tairović stvara na polju vizuelne umetnosti, kao i muzičke i filmske umetnosti, i jednako postiže međunarodne uspehe u ovim oblastima.
Izložbu „Romski triptih” čine printovi,…
ContinuePosted on May 2, 2012 at 0:18 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on January 20, 2012 at 15:57 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted on December 8, 2011 at 16:34 0 Comments 0 Likes
Started by Tini Chris. Last reply by Grattan Puxon Mar 13, 2018. 6 Replies 0 Likes
My dear friend, my friends! Please do help me in Hungarian Gypsies! Racism xenophobia in our country has escalated. It is increasingly difficult for peace!Continue
Started by Grattan Puxon Feb 23, 2018. 0 Replies 1 Like
Grattan Puxon said…I write to let know about plans for the Jubilee World Roma Congress taking place in London next summer [1-5 August]. For the first time it will be possible for all members of our communities (over 16) to vote electronically in the…Continue
Started by fehmi açar. Last reply by Stoimen Nov 19, 2017. 1 Reply 2 Likes
I'm an amateur photographer myself I have great photos I'm pulling Romani Gypsy photosContinue
Started by Loupzen Oct 11, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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Comment Wall (5 comments)
Dear Zoran,
your project ideas/plans you mailed to the Tuning group sound really great!
Regards, Viola
hej, Zoran, zdravo. Mojca iz Ljubljane tu. Kada dolaziš , ili si več došao i otišao iz Ljubljane ? htjela bi da popijem kavu s tobom.
Vidim slike iz Bruslja, bravo, jako si zamišljen, nadam se, da če biti nekih uspjeha u našem Romano them projektu.
Tople pozdrave iz Ljubljane od mene.
Tisztelt Hölgyem/ Uram!
A Romano Teatro Kulturális Egyesület, meghívja Önt 2012. május 29.-én megrendezésre kerülő Pro Humanitate – Szövetség az Emberért Nemzetközi civil szervezet alakuló ülésére.
Szabó-Tóth Kinga
intézetigazgató, ME Szociológiai intézet
Téma: Az Összeurópai Roma Stratégia
Zoran Taiorovics festőművész
Téma: Roma Kultúra
Horváth Zsolt
elnök, Romano Teatro
Téma: Roma média
Időpont: 2012. május 29-én 1230 óra Miskolci Egyetem, B/2-es épület.
Minden szervezetet, művészt szeretettel várunk országhatárok nélkül, hiszen: A Kultúra Összeköt!
tel: 06-70 602-3951 mail: romanotetro@gmail.com. facebook: Romano Teatro Társulat
A részvételi illetve belépési szándékukat kérjük, a fenti elérhetőségeinken jelezzék.
Hi again Zoran,
Sorry we didn;t get to finish our conversation. I was distracted by something else. Yes I've been invited to Bódvalenke. I'm really excited. Perhaps one day we'll meet and get to share our experiences.
In friendship,
Grattan Puxon said…
I write to let know about plans for the Jubilee World Roma Congress taking place in London next summer [1-5 August]. For the first time it will be possible for all members of our communities (over 16) to vote electronically in the elections in connection with this Congress, and whosoever wishes to stand as Candidates.
Democratic Transition will bring greater legitimacy and accountability and a democratic process allowing all to participate and work together for better recognition of the Roma Nation and the defeat of "anti-Gypsy" racism.
Now you may be enrolled as a Voter (if you wish to be for more information or to be removed email Romvote@gmail.com
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