la trocamba matanusca has not received any gifts yet
La Trocamba Matanusca es forma a finals del 2009 però no va ser fins a finals de 2010 quan va començar aquesta història a Ontinyent (País Valencià) donant curs a moltes idees i les ganes de fer gaudir la gent amb una música diferent i especial, una música que fa que no puguis deixar de ballar i taral · lejar les seves melodies. El grup és sinònim de festa i alegria. Al ritme de música balcànica, klezmer i gypsy interpreten tant cançons tradicionals com versions d'altres bandes de l'est d'Europa. La banda està formada per 11 músics d'Ontinyent, Sant Rafel i Agullent: Tanyo (bateria), Satorres (baix), Cesc (guitarra), Patxi i Pau Romero (percussions), Miki i Ernest (trombons), Pau Sanchis (trompeta) , Kiko (saxo), Óscar (clarinet) Esteve i Pau Barberà (acordió).
Créée fin 2009, ce n’est qu'un an plus tard que la Trocamba Matanusca commence réellement son histoire à Ontinyent (Pays Valencien), laissant libre cours à une multitude d’idées et à l'envie de plaire au public grâce à une musique différente et spéciale; une musique qui vous entraîne à danser et à fredonner ses mélodies sans s’arrêter.
Le groupe est synonyme de fête et de joie. Au rythme de la musique balkanique, Klezmer et Gypsy interprètent aussi bien des chants traditionnels que des chansons d’autres groupes d’Europe de l’Est.
Le groupe se compose de 11 musiciens d’Ontinyent, de Sant Rafer et d’Agullent : Tanyo (batterie), Satorres (basse), Cesc (guitare), Patxi et Pau Romero (percussions), Miki et Ernest (trombones), Pau Sanchis (trompète), Kiko (saxo), Óscar (clarinette)Esteve et Pau Barberà (accordéon).
bukaera arte ez zen hasi istorio hau Ontinyent (País Valencià), ideia asko eta musika ezberdin eta berezi batekin jendeak gozatzeko gogoa aske utziz; 2009. urtearen bukaeran osatu zen La Trocamba Matanusca taldea, baina 2010eko dantzatzeari ezin utziko diozu eta bere melodiak kantatuko dituzu, zalantzarik gabe.
Taldea jaia eta poztasunaren sinonimo da. Balkanetako, klezmer eta gypsy musiken erritmoan, abesti tradizionalak jotzen dituzte eta baita Europako ekialdeko hainbat bandaren bertsioak egin ere.
Taldea Ontinyent, Sant Rafel eta Agullent herrietako kideez osatuta dago: Tanyo (bateria), Satorres (baxua), Cesc (gitarra), Patxi eta Pau Romero (perkusioak), Miki eta Ernest (tronboiak), Pau Sanchis (tronpeta), Kiko (saxo), Óscar (klarinetea)Esteve eta Pau Barberà (eskusoinua).
La Trocamba Matanusca formed at the end of 2009 but it was only at the end of 2010 that this story set in Ontinyent (Valencia) really got off the ground and the members started giving free rein to all their ideas and ambitions to entertain audiences with a different, unique kind of music—music that makes you want to dance and sing along to it all day long.
The band is synonymous with partying and having a good time. Mixing the beats of Balkan, klezmer and gypsy music, La Trocamba Matanusca performs traditional songs as well as cover versions from other Eastern European bands.
The band has a line-up of 11 musicians from the towns of Ontinyent, Sant Rafel and Agullent: Tanyo (drums), Satorres (bass guitar), Cesc (guitar), Patxi and Pau Romero (percussions), Miki and Ernest (trombones), Pau Sanchis (trumpet), Kiko (sax), Óscar (clarinet)Esteve and Pau Barberà (accordion).
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My dear friend, my friends! Please do help me in Hungarian Gypsies! Racism xenophobia in our country has escalated. It is increasingly difficult for peace!Continue
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Post your music and photos! And if you need help with translations, let us know. There are many artists from Spain who want to help you. Under "other languages" you will find our Press Pack in Spanish.
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Hello, I would like to invite you to our new group here at "Khetanes": ROMANO THEM TRANSMISSION - with which we want to share the great culture and arts of Roma. Please join this group. Thank you! Viola Razavi
Grattan Puxon said…
I write to let know about plans for the Jubilee World Roma Congress taking place in London next summer [1-5 August]. For the first time it will be possible for all members of our communities (over 16) to vote electronically in the elections in connection with this Congress, and whosoever wishes to stand as Candidates.
Democratic Transition will bring greater legitimacy and accountability and a democratic process allowing all to participate and work together for better recognition of the Roma Nation and the defeat of "anti-Gypsy" racism.
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