ANTI-DEFAMATION (formerly IRADL, International Romani Anti Defamation League) respectfully advocates human rights for Roma across the globe by identifying abuses and redirecting offenders with relevant Khetanes resources.
Proposed projects:
a. Collaborates with all MAJOR GROUPS to maintain current menu of Khetanes resources to present as needed to members, the public, even offenders;
b. Gathers and shares with members best practices and research for conflict resolution and non-violent communication;
c. Identifies current human rights abuses (e.g. MBFGW, American Gypsies, column Zsolt Bayer) and applies non-violent communication to confront the offenders.
COORDINATORS: Ciuin Ferrin, Valery Novoselsky, Tina Carr, Annemarie Schoene, Els de Groen, Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi
Members: 50
Latest Activity: Jun 17, 2016
Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply 1 Like
Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies 2 Likes
CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue
Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply 1 Like
ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies 0 Likes
In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue
Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism
Els de Groen, writer, poet, former MEP, Main Board Khetanes, Netherlands
Paul Rafferty, journalist, secretary Main Board Khetanes, USA/Netherlands
Ciuin Ferrin, Educational Editor, O Porrajmos Education Society, Daily Board Member Khetanes, USA
Niko Rergo, researcher, lawyer, writer, university teacher, Daily Board Member Khetanes Ukraine
Lukás Houdek, photographer, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Czech Republic
Zoran Tairovic, multimedia artist, painter, master of management in culture, Daily Board member Khetanes, Serbia
Anouk Sluizer, filmmaker, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Netherlands
Cristina Barzi, actress, singer, performer, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Italy
Valery Novoselsky, Executive Editor Roma Virtual Network, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Israel
Roxana Marin, President Center for Action and Responsibility in Education, Bucharest, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Romania
Eszter Pasztor, project manager Bódvalenke Fresco Village, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Hungary
Viola Hinz-Razavi, psychologist and artist, Daily Board Member Khetanes, Germany
Glenda Bailey-Mershon, writer, historian, Romani Rights Activist, Daily Board Member Khetanes, USA
Lynn Hutchingson Lee, artist, Daily Board Member, Khetanes, Canada
Qristina Cummings, writer, photographer, coordinator International Romani Anti-Defamation League of Khetanes, Media and Public Communications Director, O Porrajmos Education Society, USA
Chad Evans Wyatt, Professional Photographer, owner Professional Photography Business, USA
Tini Chris, musician, artist, reporter, Hungary
Inma Guiu, Multimedia Producer and Journalist, Owner VGMediaConsulting, Romania
Agnes Daroczi, Minority Researcher, Hungary
Moris Farhi, writer, UK
Adam Dinu, writer, journalist, translator, President of ASPER (Association For a Performant Society), Bucharest, Romania
Jeannette Gregori, teacher at Marc Bloch Highschool (Strasbourg) and photographer, France
Patricia Ter Heun, investments professional, artist and dancer, Canada
Gordana Radulovic, Romologist and project writer, Serbia
H.U Ellenberger, Chemical Engineer, translator, Lucigano (AR), Italy
Miomirka Mila Melank, Communication designer, working at Design Association ULUPUBIH, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kujtim Pacaku, academic, branch of musicology, poet, actor and journalist, Kosovo
Katjusha Kozubek, artists, director of Romani Dance School, Berlin, Germany
Tina Burbank, educational consult and artist, Canada
Riza Laha, poet, writer, Albania
Mónica Santos Carrilo, human rights activist, Spain
Ronald Lee, author and lecturer, vice-chairman Board of Directors Roma Community Centre, Toronto, Canada
Wlavira Turczineck, teacher of dance, Brazil
Martin Kaneko, Teacher at the Japan Women's University, Japan
Zuzana Brejcha, film maker, Austria
Kerstin König, economist, Germany
Hasiba Dzemajli, social worker, translator, human rights activist, Kosovo
Tunde Buzetzky, facilitator Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation, Hungary
Dr. H.C. Mariella Mehr, writer, Lucignano (AR), Italy
William Lazarus Bila, Roma Rights activist, France
Anna Marie Stenberg, writer, Canada
Roberto Malini, poet, writer, co-president EveryOne Group, Italy
Dario Picciau, movie director, member of the Executive Board of The International Academy of Digital Art and Sciences, Director White Mouse Publishing, Co-President EveryOne Group, Italy
Steed Gamero, photographer, Co-President EveryOne Group, Italy
Fabio Patronelli, artist, Co-President EveryOne Group, Italy
Yannick Pirod, president of the French cultural Association E-Media Concept, sea captain, France
Bob Kozak, musician, owner of KORO Entertainment, Canada
Hristo Kyuchukov, academic, writer, Free University Berlin, Germany; St Elizabeth University Bratislava, Slovakia
Peter Jorna, Consultancy Social Inclusion, Roma & Sinti Issues 'at Home and Abroad', Netherlands
Hello Alexandra, I am so sorry of what happened to you and your family, it is a terrible story. I wish you and your family power and support to overcome this horrible loss!
All the best wishes
For updates on the Jeszenszky book protests, please see the blog "Follow-up protests against racist book".
(I am in touch with Alexandra in a private correspondence; what happened to her family is one more reason to continue our fight for justice!)
Visit following links:
Original text in Hungarian:
Also read the article by a Romanian academic:
It is just horrible and it becomes worse from day to day!
What can we do?
Pusztaranger hat einen Teil des Artikels von Zsolt Bayer dankenswerterweise ins Deutsche übertragen:
(…) Der Großteil der Zigeuner ist zum Zusammenleben nicht geeignet. Nicht geeignet, unter Menschen zu leben. Diese Zigeuner sind Tiere, und benehmen sich wie Tiere. Sie wollen sich sofort mit jedem paaren/ficken, den sie erblicken. Wenn sie auf Widerstand stoßen, morden sie. Sie entleeren sich/scheißen, wo und wann es sie überkommt. Wenn sie sich darin eingeschränkt fühlen, morden sie. Was sie sehen, wollen sie haben. Wenn sie es nicht sofort bekommen, nehmen sie es sich und morden. Diese Zigeuner sind jeglicher menschlich zu nennender Kommunikation unfähig. Aus ihren Tierschädeln brechen höchstens unartikulierte Laute hervor, und das Einzige, was sie von dieser elenden Welt verstehen, ist Gewalt.
(…) Schaut euch die Ratte, die Gergő Sávoly niedergestochen hat, und seine Kumpanen auf Facebook an. Man sieht es ihnen an, dass sie alle drei potenzielle Mörder sind. Eo ipso Mörder. Man muss sie nicht tolerieren und verstehen, man muss Vergeltung an ihnen üben. Und hier begeht der idiotische politisch korrekte Teil der westlichen Welt seine größte Sünde: Aus reinem Kalkül und Eigeninteresse tut er so, als müsse man diese Tiere unbedingt tolerieren, sogar respektieren, als stünde ihnen so etwas wie Wertschätzung und Menschenwürde zu. (…) Sie sollen nicht existieren, die Tiere. Nirgendwo. Das muss man lösen – aber sofort und mit allen Mitteln! (…)
(Zsolt Bayer, in: Magyar Hirlap, 5.1.2013)
Eine Petition für den Parteiausschluss von Zsolt Bayer gibt es bereits hier. Darin heißt es:
„Fidesz-Gründungsmitglied Zsolt Bayer hat in seinem Artikel klar gemacht, dass er den Roma gegenüber Mordlust hegt – wie er sich ausdrückt, dem ‚Großteil der Zigeuner‘ gegenüber – und Hass gegen sie schürt. Fidesz und seine Regierung haben mehrfach betont, dass sie den Rassenhass in jeder Form verurteilen. Wir fordern, dass Fidesz als direkte Konsequenz Zsolt Bayer unverzüglich verurteilt und ihn aus der Partei ausschließt.“
Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply 1 Like
Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies 2 Likes
CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue
Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply 1 Like
ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue
Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies 0 Likes
In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue
Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism
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