

ANTI-DEFAMATION (formerly IRADL, International Romani Anti Defamation League) respectfully advocates human rights for Roma across the globe by identifying abuses and redirecting offenders with relevant Khetanes resources.

Proposed projects:

a. Collaborates with all MAJOR GROUPS to maintain current menu of Khetanes resources to present as needed to members, the public, even offenders;

b. Gathers and shares with members best practices and research for conflict resolution and non-violent communication;

c. Identifies current human rights abuses (e.g. MBFGW, American Gypsies, column Zsolt Bayer) and applies non-violent communication to confront the offenders.

COORDINATORS: Ciuin Ferrin, Valery Novoselsky, Tina Carr, Annemarie Schoene, Els de Groen, Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi

Members: 50
Latest Activity: Jun 17, 2016

Discussion Forum

United Methodist Women Church Study

Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply

Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue

DOSTA! 8 April International Romani Day

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies

CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue

Pre-launch of – mapping online platform challenging stereotypes and prejudices Roma people face in today´s Europe

Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply

ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue

French Socialist Party presidential candidate calls for internment camps for the Roma

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies

In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue

Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism

Comment Wall

Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on March 20, 2011 at 11:21

I am a bit confused of what is going on here. Didn´t we have a goal, or better goals? I thought we want to make the situation of people better, reach equality and justice (longtime-goal), to make visible to others, where the situation is bad resp. who makes the situation bad (alltime-goal), to arise our voices (and us) against injustice and discrimination (alltime-g.) and this together because one alone can´t do much. Isn´t this common sense?


Comment by Ciuin Ferrin on March 20, 2011 at 18:07

Els, you are a treasure. The fire in my heart burns in yours and for that, I am grateful. This is the document we needed to outline the specifics. I have been approached the past few days about IRADL and the Initiative and what I could not provide was an exact definition of the two with clear goals. This, unfortunately, turns people off.  There are many who will refuse to invest their time, money, and energy into a fledgling organization.


You know you have my support if I can assist, even on a board.


Te aven baxtale,


Comment by Viola Hinz-Hassan Pour Razavi on March 20, 2011 at 19:19

Dear Els, dear all,

the how of course is a different thing, but it was asked for the goals, that confused me a bit. And what you wrote in your second text, to double the numbers, that is what I try all the time and it makes me really tired that this is at the moment nearly successless and I cannot say why. It worked at the beginning, why not now? Anyway I will continue as I did all the time. I do not give up that easily. And your text is great.

x, Viola

Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 20, 2011 at 19:21

I am totally bewildered as well!?! Because I have spent hours and hours sitting at this computer laying it down for all of you. I feel pretty foolish at best and mostly wondering if I am simply deluding myself? Perhaps I am a merely a dreamer. Yet, I have been running down (to all) what the goals of IRADL (could be) in the form of suggestions. I feel those based on good foundations. and some still are asking what the goals are??? I have given numerous examples... people, tactics, and events that have been very effective from the history of the last 100 years, up to current events. I personally have little to no answers, but smart enough to see what has worked. This is based on true History and a dash of own my life experience as an activist. I have given many examples and provided links for you to learn more. The ADL has been in place for years and I'm sure they would be willing to assist getting a start. The goal of this organization could be very simple...

If they kick one of us in the nuts then all of us call them up on it.   

One huge problem with this medium (Internet) is that you can't hear the inflection in my voice, so where I'm coming from is often completely distorted. If you were here in front of the wood stove and cracking a beer or two, I'm sure you might have a completely different perspective on where I'm coming from. I LOVE Gypsy people, I really do. I have found it simply heart breaking to hear all this bad news coming from all over the world. I was at the Sara Kali festival back in 2009 and I had a very powerful experience there. I was in the courtyard of the old church in that town. It was like 2:00 AM and there all these people totally living in the moment, I felt like I had one foot in the here and now and the other was around 1000 years ago. It made me realize that I was living life in a realm of fear, and this consensus of fear is what has taken the place of culture here in America. I have been struggling with this issue ever since! Ahhh, Living in the moment, That is the highest life condition that a human being can attain. Zen Masters work hard all their lives to momentarily attain this state! And I stumble in the middle of a bunch of people doing it naturally? I was totally floored! For one brief shining moment I felt safe and totally accepted. The sad reality is, that this beautiful life condition is what makes Romani People so vunerable. Here are these beautiful products of evolution, living in the moment, within an ethic order that has served us well for centuries. That beautiful ethic order, is totally lacking in socieity today. And it seems like Euro-man always wants to destroy the very thing that can save him. We have a lot to offer the world. And this is what makes us an easy target.     

As I mentioned before (especially to you Valerie) the mechanisms and networks are all in place to make the IRADL quickly a reality. All it would take to make this ideal a reality is a few simple clicks of the mouse. You just don't realize it YET! All of you have done an excellent job of pointing out what all the problems are. It is beyond words how commendable an achievement this is. Knowing what the problems are, that is the beginninng of the solution. As John Lennon said; "there are no problems only solutions"! If all these Romani Blogs, Web-sites, FaceBook pages, and E-Publications redirected 1/3 of that energy into forming some sort of organization and solidarity. Well then it (very powerfully) stands up to reason that some kind of solutions could be realized. I'm going to be a little critical here, I have been following all these sites for years. I have listened to so many horrors, honestly, it often leaves me in a state of depression. But step back and think about it (objectively) for just a moment, if all you do is point out what the problems what point does it simply become just complaining? Well you can merely talk about what the problems are for another 20 years and you will not really accomplish shit! Problem is that you don't have another 20 years...Because we are in the middle of a very brutal genocide good people. Have had nearly 65 years since the end of the war to do something, This genocide has been going on since the Inquisition, it ranges from rape of culture and language to people being led into death camps in Kosovo. I simply don't know what the fuck other motivation you require? That is the way I feel and if I make any of you angry then that is excellent, prove me wrong then? My arms are too short to bitch slap a little sense into you from here!

Someone asked; "where is the linier location of the IRADL" the non linier answer; where the hell are you? Ohio, West Germany, Kosovo, or Portland Oregon? I can as easily present a IRADL press pack to the (idiot) Mayor of Portland, I have tried to write him asking for recognition pf Romani Remerance day, with no reply. Perhaps if it came from IRADL then he might take notice. The key word here is International. It is up to people in their own areas and culture to define what the IRADL is. But at it's core it is a means of becoming organized and gaining sloidarity and a single voice.

Reality of the situation. No one in history has ever been arbitrarily handed their civil rights. Sooner or later you will have to get out there on the streets and demand them. Martin Luther King Jr. had a lovely family and a peaceful life. But in good conscience he was compelled to act. He got out there on the road to Montgomery Alabama and he goddammed marched.  If all in the Romani & Traveler community speak in one voice then that is power. Sound idealistic, not really because it has happened before. Make it you're consensus of reality and then it is in the realm of possibility. Sound simplistic, that is the beauty of it! That is all I have to say and I am getting quite weary of repeating myself. Good luck with you're endeavors.

Remember, Change is all there is, therefore nothing is ever a threat.

Hate is a useless emotion and fear is the only sin.

Peace, love, hope, and chairity for the Romani & Traveler community.

Yours in Solidarity  

Casimire X 





Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 20, 2011 at 19:57
Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 20, 2011 at 22:46

Did you all know that there are Romani in outer space?

Yeah, last night I was watching the TV program Star Treck and they featured ROMulans!


I'll be here all week folks, please don't forget to tip your bartender and waitresses!

Comment by Niko Rergo on March 21, 2011 at 0:41
MishtE san.
NeIs tUke, ElsIje, barI butI kerdjaAn - Thank you [sg.], Els, great work [you sg.] have done (capitals mark stressed vowels, j after consonants marks palatalisation).
NanE lokhO te hatjarEs tirO tekstOs, phenAv - te timinjakirEs les = It-is-not easy to understand your text, [I] mean - to estimate it (I'm nor sure 'to estimate' is good. 'Timin' in Romani is 'value, cost', i.e.timinjakirav means to examine a thing, a problem, an issue and to decide on its complexity, significancy, etc.).
TrubUv 'ek cYrro, nA but, te lekhAv mirE gIndur = I need some [< one] time, no much/many, to write my [pl.] thoughts (y marks specific vowel - very back i, rr mark cerebral/retroflex r).
In a word, thank you very much again for these perspectives, we have to ponder them all. Tomorrow I'll discuss it with my Roma.
Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 21, 2011 at 11:22

Els, If you look at some of those web sites such as UFW they have an on-line gift shop and they sell pins, tee shirts and such items. We're a bunch of artists, design a logo and make lapel pins, say with the power fist in Roma colors with IRADL. Or a tee shirt with Romani Flag and International Romani Anti Defamation League, in Roma colors, on the front. I know I want one of each (& a passport hee hee) Yes sounds commercial, but hey any organization needs money to function. Reality of life, right? Also a good way to promote and spread the word about the IRADL.

Casimire X



Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 21, 2011 at 11:36

PS, Cont. from post below...Also could make posters with art work by Romani artists. Or a poster that features famous Romani people. Design a Logo and make into a poster. I'm being crass and commercial but reality is any organization needs money to function...correct? Also at the same time such things can educate, build pride, and promote solidarity. Also spreads the word about IRADL.


Comment by Casimire Williamsii on March 21, 2011 at 13:21

Well I didn't say make a bunch of schlocky goods! Yeah sure, could even hand paint or airbrush some of them. Could sell a series of signed and numbered hand done originals and then have a run of silk screened.

This could help support and promote Romani artists as well.

The nicer they are...then that showcases what talent there is in the community and what beautiful products of evolution we truly are! The hats yeah, not the typical trucker caps, could really come up with some wild stuff. Pins and jewelry could range from enamel pins to one off pieces. 



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Discussion Forum

United Methodist Women Church Study

Started by Ciuin Ferrin. Last reply by Kristina Burbank Jul 15, 2014. 1 Reply

Dear All, The United Methodist Women of the United Methodist church are involved in a two year study of the condition of the Romani with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. They are putting a great deal of effort and funding into building churches and…Continue

DOSTA! 8 April International Romani Day

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Glenda Bailey-Mershon Mar 8, 2013. 2 Replies

CALL TO ACTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ROMA DAY!TELL HUNGARY “DOSTA!”F.R.E.E. The Foundation for Romani Education and EqualityClick on the link for…Continue

Pre-launch of – mapping online platform challenging stereotypes and prejudices Roma people face in today´s Europe

Started by Gabriela Hrabanova. Last reply by Stoimen Oct 26, 2012. 1 Reply

ERGO Network pre-launched unique website at the occasion of the Day of Europe on May 9, 2012. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online community seeking social change and justice by engaging…Continue

French Socialist Party presidential candidate calls for internment camps for the Roma

Started by Qristina Zavačková Cummings. Last reply by Hans Wahler May 10, 2012. 8 Replies

In a February 12 interview on Canal Plus TV, François Hollande, Socialist Party candidate for president in the upcoming elections, proposed as a “solution” to the presence in France of Roma European Union (EU) citizens “the creation of camps … to…Continue

Tags: racism, Roma, France, anti-ziganism

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